How To Create High-Converting Copy For ANY Landing Page

Imagine if you’re running a Facebook ad and you give $10,000 to the first 5 people that fill out your form.

You’re gonna get those forms filled out pretty damn quick.

You could drive round and drop the cash at their house.

Give them a big brown envelope with $10,000 inside.

It’s an irresistible offer.

Today, I’m gonna take you through the formula for creating high-converting copy for any landing page.

Understand Your Offer…

As I say all the time, the most important thing to have is an offer that converts.

You can change a boring offer into an exciting offer for any industry.

Focusing on making your offer sexy is key and then you can turn it into an offer that converts.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll never have a problem generating leads.

But how do you truly understand your offer?

Speak to your client.

They will know best what the consumer’s pain points are.

Take the mortgage market for example, I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to get a buy to let mortgage inside your business than outside.

It’s such a long process and can be a massive drag with so much paperwork and going back and forth!

Once you properly understand the offer, the offer truly sells itself.


Grab their attention on the landing page

Remember to write your copy in the bbq conversation style.

Don’t bombard them with an end product/service they need.

Instead, ask them questions, then say there’s something you can check out.

This will make a big difference in creating high-converting copy.

But before that, grab their attention with a big bold headline explaining the offer.

Your headline needs to touch on the pain points.

Something that will stop them in their tracks.

As Perry Marshall says, it’s racking the shotgun, it’s getting them to read the next point.

The next point may be building emotion.

You want to relate to their pain with the copy whilst bringing some personality into the landing page.

A good way to do this is to give away value and solve their problem.

At the bottom of your landing page, have a Call To Action.

Some sort of quiz/survey funnel.

Make sure to start with an easy, binary question as the first question.

They will then become a lead in no time.

Split testing

Once you have a high-converting landing page, remember there’s always room for improvement.

It’s time to create a variant.

We use unbounce as our split testing landing page builder.

Get another variant up – something completely different – ideally start with a different headline.

Try split testing a pain led headline and a benefit driven headline.

Test one thing at a time – so you know what is making the difference.

If there isn’t a big change after a couple of days, bin it, and try something new.

You want to make big changes, otherwise you’re wasting your time.

Reverse engineer competitors

Lastly, it’s sometimes good to pay attention to what other people are doing.

We use a few tools to do this…

  • Facebook ads library to see what hooks, offers, funnels are working in your niche.
  • Big spy – to find creatives for Facebook and Youtube.
  • Google search – to find hooks, angles, copy, testimonials, etc.

All of these steps help to create high-converting copy for your landing page.

So what Now?

If you’re serious about growing a performance-based lead generation agency, keep reading…

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