The Facebook Ad Creatives That Are Killing It in 2022

Best Facebook ad creatives in 2022

Want to start the new year with the best Facebook ad creatives?

Here are the best Facebook ad creatives that are killing it in 2022…

Facebook iOS Troubles

2021 was a hard year for marketers, at times it really seemed like the world was against us.

The film The Social Dilemma came out, which slated advertisers and advertising platforms, as well as the iOS14 and iOS15 updates.

It meant a lot of things in Facebook that used to be epic, now don’t work as well…

Dynamic Creative, Conversion tracking, Lookalikes, retargeting, rising traffic costs etc.

But we’ve all adapted, it’s got rid of the poor marketers, so there’s less competition.

2022 is going to be a big year for Facebook Advertising.

So what kinds of Facebook ad creatives work best?

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Facebook Ad Creatives…

Collection Ads or Instant Experience

Facebook has leveled up their instant experience game. 

Keeping the prospect on Facebook longer is great as there are faster load times, and Facebook prefers this.

They get cheaper CPCs and CPLs every time we’ve used them.

Ask a poignant question to your target audience.

For example, for our Flexxable course we asked “How many retainer clients have you got”. 

We used this with our best copy.

CPCs dropped from $4 to $1.50 and CPL dropped from $17 to $11.

tips for lead generation

Carousel ads

This works similarly to collection ads/instant experience.

Encouraging interactivity in the ad is going to help Facebook better determine the type of people who like your ad.

This is essential for optimising your campaigns, as pixels still can’t be trusted at the moment.

Ask a poignant question and get them to select the answer by scrolling through the images.

Interactivity is key for making your Facebook ad creatives a success.

facebook ad creatives

Use a poll on video ads

Got a good performing video?

Add a poll to it with the yes/no answer linking to a web page of your choice.

Again, this encourages interactivity with your ad, and makes it stand out from the crowd. 

Not many ads have this on there.

Use Interest Based Targeting first

Gone are the days you can just send your ads out to a broad audience and let the pixel learn FAST and get results quickly.

It’s taking the pixel a lot longer to learn these days because of the barriers put in place by iOS etc.

Interest based targeting and narrowing your target audience can help your pixel learn before sending it out into the wide world of the broad audience.

Once your offer is working, segment based on age.

For one campaign, you’ll want one targeting option, with an adset budget, and segment by decade (30-39). 

Then you create ads and use language and videos which are specific to each age group using data that you have collected.

The best Facebook ad creatives are the ones which target the right consumer with the best copy and creatives.

Facebook ad creatives for 2022

My Account Manager, Graham, will be creating a Collection ads tutorial on how to set up these instant experiences ads.

So if this is something you need a hand with, email [email protected]  with the subject line ‘Graham’ to get access to this as soon as it comes out.

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