Flexxable Pay Per Lead Course Student Review: Graham Cox 

Graham had been generating leads for five years, only to find that his business was unscalable. Since he took my Flexxable Pay Per Lead course, he’s well on his way to making $250,000 per year within the next twelve months. 

Before Graham Cox Found My Flexxable Pay Per Lead Course 

Before Graham found my Flexxable Pay Per Lead course, he’d been generating leads for mortgage brokers around the UK.

He worked with SEO using the organic model. At first, all went well. He was getting free leads and plenty of business. Unfortunately, over time, the results started to deteriorate. With Graham’s organic model, there was no guarantee of lead volume from month to month. Working primarily in UK cities, Graham also found that there wasn’t much room to scale with the niche he was in. 

Three years ago, he transitioned from generating leads with the organic model to PPC retainer contracts. Again, his business seemed to be off to a flying start. He carved out a niche with financial service companies and landed several clients. 

But then he fell into the same retainer-contract trap that affects thousands of unwary agency owners. 

See, some clients expect the world from lead generation agencies, but they don’t want to pay for any extras. 

And by “extras” I mean skills with an incredible amount of monetary value: 

  • SEO 
  • AdWords knowledge
  • Facebook PPC expertise 
  • CRO skills 
  • Google Analytics and Google Suite knowledge 

And so on. 

Once a client has you on a retainer contract, they’ll argue that the fixed fee covers everything; from leads to SEO to designing fan pages. 

Sure enough, Graham found himself bending over backwards for his clients. All the added favours and requirements were a drain on his time, meaning he was working more in the business than on the business. 

And then he discovered my Flexxable Pay Per Lead course… 


How The Flexxable Pay Per Lead Course Transformed Graham’s Business

Once he’d transferred over to the Pay Per Lead model, the first thing Graham found was that he was in control. 

The Flexxable Pay Per Lead course taught him how to make his own landing pages, advertorials, funnels and quizzes, which he would then use to generate leads for his clients. 

  • No hand-holding. 
  • No negotiations. 
  • No waiting around for months as the client’s IT department fiddled around with their website. 

All it took was attaching his pages to the client’s domain. The leads came pouring in within hours! 

The next thing Graham noticed was the potential for pure profit. Once he’d landed his first debt consolidation remortgage client, Graham realised he could generate leads for 50% of what he was charging for them. 

This is a huge leap away from his ROI just months before, on the old retainer contract system. And, because he wasn’t doing any “extras”, he found he was making a healthier profit on about half the hours. 

This debt consolidation client has now upped their order from 10 to 20 leads per day. If Graham makes $20 per lead, at 100 leads per week, that’s a weekly profit of $2000. 

From just one client! 


Graham’s Plans For The Future 

Now fully integrated into the Pay Per Lead model, Graham plans to make a $200,000 – $250,000 turnover within the next twelve months. 

All I can say is that he’s well on his way, and, with a couple of big clients, he could find himself hitting that target much, much sooner. 

I want to thank Graham for this fantastic interview. Readers, do watch it all, as it contains some incredible golden nuggets I think you’ll find invaluable for your own endeavours. 

Learn how Graham: 

  • Designed his quiz funnel to produce hundreds of leads a day 
  • Partnered up with another Pay Per Lead convertee to supercharge his Facebook campaigns 
  • Made full use of the Flexxable Pay Per Lead course’s “Mastermind” group to help him through several day-to-day challenges 
  • Landed a huge life insurance client through direct mail marketing (see, I told you direct mail isn’t dead!) 
  • Plans to scale his small agency into a Pay Per Lead empire within the next five years 

It’s a fantastic transformation, and I can’t wait to watch Graham’s agency grow to a scale beyond his wildest dreams. 


As You Can See, my Flexxable Pay Per Lead Course Really WORKS

Right now, I’m looking for more of my dream students, like Graham and over 200 others.

Students where I can get them the kind of massive results I’ve shared with you, in this post today. That’s why I’m extending an invitation to join me, or one of my specialist team, for a 1 on 1 Pay Per Lead consultation session.

If you are ready to:

1) Find a better way to land more red-hot national level B2C clients who are prepared to buy hundreds of leads per day

2) Improve your Facebook advertising skills, and learn how to deliver volume and quality from the Facebook platform

3) Move away from low-value retainer contracts and move to the Pay Per Lead model

Then I, or one of my team, can offer you a specific and custom-tailored Pay Per Lead consultation session to help you solve the two biggest problems most PPC professionals face:

  • How to identify and land these national-level clients, with 5-6 figure monthly advertising budgets
  • How to have a system that takes Facebook traffic and converts it into high-quality leads every single time


Your Pay Per Lead Consultation Session 

These Pay Per Lead consultation sessions take about 45 minutes. We’ll help you identify what you’ve already got and the extra steps you’ll need to take to dramatically grow your business by 3, 4 or even 10x the amount (without spending even more time at your desk).

The first step is to click the button below and complete a tiny form for a private Pay Per Lead consultation session. 

This form will let us see if we can help you. If we can – great! You’ll be able to schedule a time with us to have your free consultation session. We’ll really start working together to figure out what you want and how to actually make it happen.

At the end of the call, one of two things could happen. If we think you’ll be a good fit (and if you believe we’re a good fit too), we’ll invite you to become a Flexxable Pay Per Lead student. If it’s not a good fit, that’s okay too. There’s no hard feelings, no obligations, and we’ll try our best to suggest an alternative.

We’d love to have you in the Flexxable family.

Join us, and be a part of the Pay Per Lead revolution you’ve been waiting for!


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