How To Give Clients An Instant ROI

Do you want to get an instant ROI for your clients, before you’ve even switched on an ad?

There are multiple hacks and tricks people use, but I have found an easier solution for this. You don’t have to worry about generating leads through cold traffic and finding new audiences, you can utilise their existing database.

How To Increase Your Lead Quality

When it comes to providing leads for clients, quality is key.

One of the biggest problems people face in the pay-per-lead business is clients saying the quality isn’t there.

The contact rate is there, but the quality isn’t right.

What Your Clients Should Expect From You

Client expectation is a crucial factor when it comes to pay-per-lead.

You have to explain to your clients what they can expect by purchasing leads for you.

If you can provide examples of previous contact rates, lead conversions and lead to sale percentage ratios from other clients, that will really give you the upper hand in getting them interested and starting a great relationship.

Is Hot Weather Affecting Your Cost Per Lead?

Let’s talk about the weather.

We’ve been hearing a lot of people this year talk about how their cost per lead has spiked due to the hot weather.

People become a lot more social when the sun comes out and are outside more, and on their phones or computer less, so this ultimately pushes up the cost of traffic and cost per lead.

What An Authority On Facebook Advertising Thinks Of Us

After getting the go-ahead for my vaccine, it made me think of how well the government has handled this and how fast they’ve rolled it out.

It also got me thinking of what Keith Krance said about our Pay-Per_lead model. He said (this is one of the most elegant, scalable business models) he’s seen.

That is pretty cool!

How We Reverse Engineered The Market

In today’s video, I talk a little bit about how we as a company go about reverse-engineering the market.

Just over a year ago my team and I decided to create what we call an ‘epic post’ explaining in fine detail how to reverse-engineer the market.

Why I Offered Leads For Free

Back in 2017, I took a huge risk by offering leads for free!

We had an offer that was dialled in and I simply took a gamble by offering thirty companies 100 leads for free. It was the offer to end all offers. Out of those thirty, only ten got back to us and five of them stayed on as regular clients.

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