How to Get Cheap Opt-ins with a Lead Magnet – Facebook Ad Hack

How we used Lead Magnets to slash our CPL by 83%…

If you’re looking for a cheap way to advertise on Facebook…

Lead magnets are an EASY way to get cheap opt-ins and dramatically drop your Cost Per Lead.

By using this Facebook Ad trick, we slashed our cost per lead from £25 to £3.59.

Chances are, if you’re in the info product marketing game, you’ve opted in for something that has started a conversation with the company that’s trying to sell you something.

In the Pay Per Lead industry, we’re dealing with a lot of people in different niches in the make money online space.

There are a few reasons you should be using lead magnets.

Watch the video to see it in action.

How can lead magnets be used?

Lead magnets aren’t just for info products in the make money online space.

You can see this in financial services.

For example, I’ve seen Fisher Investments use a lead magnet to get people into their pension planning financial service.

What they do is find people who are just about to retire with a big lump sum of money and help them figure out how to manage the money.

BUT, they don’t just say: “put your details in here and we’ll call you to help you manage your retirement pot”.

Instead, they say something along the lines of: “How to retire with a million dollars or less and never have to dip into your pocket again”.

They use a lead magnet to get people’s details and phone numbers.

Once you opt in, their team will call you over and over and over. They take all the tactics that info product marketers use and apply it to financial services.

You can do this too.


Land Clients In Any Niche For As Little As $100 Using Our B2B Facebook Lead Ads

Lead Magnet to a Broad Audience

The hot topic at the moment is the rising cost of utility bills and inflation.

People are definitely looking for a solution to cut down on their power consumption.

That’s a lead magnet you could run to a very, VERY broad audience. Pretty much everyone wants to save money on their utility bills.

If you figure out what that hook is for the lead magnet, you’re going to get super cheap opt-ins.

Then you can use a tool like Go High Level to filter and move them to different offers associated with saving money on utility bills.

There are a lot of different things you can do off the back of a very broad lead magnet like that, which is why they’re so powerful.

And I’m not pretending for a second that you can just nail it and get a great lead magnet and then make a ton of money.

But it might be worth testing something like this.

If you are running ads for your clients then speak to your clients, say:

“We’re looking to get a lot more people in. We’re only going to spend $50 a day to grab their name, email and phone number. Maybe you can give them a call, see what they’re struggling with and see whether the lead magnet that we sent them has been able to help them.”

Then what you can do is figure out over time what works and what doesn’t, and start monetizing the lead magnet a little better after that.

We’re doing this for our current lead magnet, which is about how much people can charge per lead, rather than run retainer agencies.

That’s quite a powerful hook for people who are sick of doing things the old way.

Once they have the lead magnet, we funnel them into our free Facebook group.

Then we’re chatting to them and we figure out what they need.

We offer them solutions.

Want to create a performance based marketing strategy that CONVERTS?

Check out our Flexxable YouTube Channel…

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