4 Lead Generation Tools – BEST Tech Stack for Performance Based Agencies

The 4 lead generation tools that you never knew you needed…

This is why you NEED these 4 lead generation tools: Go High Level, Unbounce, LeadsHook and LeadByte, in your tech stack.

These tools have helped me scale my performance based agency to 6 figures a MONTH.

If you combine these tools together, you’ll level up your tech and streamline your entire marketing process, FAST.

As times have changed and lead generation has grown, as well as the value of what we do, there’s been a whole host of tools that have come along for the ride.

This is what you need to make more money in the long term.

Watch the video for my complete tech toolbox.

Let’s dive in…

Go High Level

I’ve spoken about this many times and I’m sure a lot of you have heard about it before: 

Go High Level.

BUT it really is a powerful tool when combined with Facebook Lead Ads.

This is what we’ve been using for the last 6 months inside my agency to grow my community.

Both are powerful tools when used alone, and when used together, they are virtually unstoppable.

Go High Level is a great lead generation tool since you can use it as a nurture sequence. 

We make the most out of cheap leads from Facebook Lead Ads by sending them over to High Level and nurturing them.

And you can do this through SMS, email or phone verification.

You’re going to have a lot of people coming into that funnel – a lot of people to work with and tons of conversations with potential clients. That’s when things start getting interesting.

Check it out here and get a 30 day free trial through my affiliate link.

#2 Lead generation tools you NEED – Unbounce

Back in the day, one of the only ways you could generate a lead was by sending traffic to a client’s website.

And back then, we used to complain about having to contact their IT team just to make changes to the headlines.

It used to take 6 weeks to make even the smallest changes to a headline.

This is why Unbounce was born.

It’s a great lead generation tool because it allows you to build landing pages and bypass the IT department.

As an agency, you can use it to create your own drag and drop style landing pages that you can install on your clients website to drive traffic to.

There are other tools out there like ClickFunnels. We use Unbounce because it’s so simple to use.

It’s customizable, which means that my team can build whatever they want inside my business.

Unbounce has really great split testing capabilities. 

If you can test one headline against another, if there is a sudden spike, it’s going to make a big difference to your cost per lead (also, your clients are going to be much happier).

So having a landing page building software like this is crucial.


This tool is an absolute must have for lead gen agency owners.

The owner of the company is a guy called Nik Thakorlal and I’ve known him ever since this software came out – I was one of the first beta users of the product.

In fact, I had a webinar with him the other week. He’s doing 3 million leads a month through LeadsHook or something crazy like that.

The name speaks for itself: LeadsHook is a lead generation tool that you can use to hook your leads.

You can combine it with Unbounce and embed a standalone script on your landing page, which is basically like a decision tree or quiz.

Instead of traffic hitting a landing page and having to fill out a 16 question form, you can break them down into micro commitments.

You can also send them down different decision trees based on the answers that people give.

For example, depending on whether they’re male or female, you can show different colors and copy.

You’re giving much more of a bespoke experience than if people just hit a landing page and filled out the 16 question form.

This is a really huge advancement in lead generation because it allows you to segment the traffic and leads.

There’s all sorts of cool ways to use software like this.

You’ve probably seen survey software before, but LeadsHook is the BEST on the market.

The 4th lead generation tool you NEED is LeadByte

The last of my must-have lead generation tools is LeadByte.

If you’re generating leads through your own business, and you want to have multiple clients, then create 1 landing page on Unbounce and have one LeadsHook quiz on that landing page.

Then you can have LeadByte to sit behind all of that and then sell the leads all over the country to multiple clients.

That’s why when you own your own business and leads, Pay Per Lead becomes extremely powerful.

Combining all these lead generation tools together means you can approach clients with Pay Per Lead.

With this, you can sell them at different prices, criteria, to different clients and to different verticals.

LeadByte is a relatively cheap tool that does all of this for you.

It sits behind your funnel and you can set your filters up to make sure that your leads are doing exactly what you want them to do as they come in.

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