How To Build An Epic Sales Funnel Tutorial

Building an epic sales funnel…

Today I wanna show you how to build an epic sales funnel.

One of our funnels has generated over $1.5 million in revenue for one offer, across multiple clients… using one funnel.

You can build a lead gen sales funnel that converts like crazy.

Here’s how…

Pick your funnel type

You’re going to have to choose which funnel type is going to be the best option for your performance-based lead gen agency.

First up… Quiz to TY

We’d build a quiz funnel on unbounce, but build the actual quiz using leadshook.

This page includes a headline, subheadline, and the quiz.

The quiz questions will help to knock out those that don’t fit and won’t qualify.

Inside this quiz, we ask for their name, email, and phone number – once they’ve qualified.

Next up… Quiz to Results to TY

Debt consolidation is a great niche for this type of funnel.

It gives you the perfect opportunity to ask all the questions you need and gives them a calculation to see whether someone is eligible or not for that offer.

The results page simply shows the results of the quiz – showing whether they qualify or not.

You can then ask for their name, email, and phone number which will then lead them to the thank you page.


Now… Advertorial to Lander

Your advertorial should inform the reader about the issue and why it’s important to take the next step.

This might be to find out if you’re due compensation, for example.

You want the layout of your advertorial to include…

  • Branding
  • A headline
  • Always have your Call To Action above the fold
  • Faux advertising on the side – to attract the eye and get the click through to the next page.
  • Subheadings to break up the text
  • Links in the text – to give it the look of a news article
  • Use different colour links and buttons for CTAs
  • Use stories/testimonials for people’s experiences

Your advertorial should give the person the push to move them onto the landing page.

Finally… Appointment setting funnel

This type of funnel is extremely powerful.

You’re able to sell leads to clients that are after leads and sell appointments to those clients looking for appointments.

This funnel structure is very similar to the previous funnels.

But, on the last page before the thank you page, we ask if they want to book an appointment.

We use a combination of Leadshook, Go High Level, and Leadbyte, which allows the distribution of leads and appointments to be sold to different clients.

Competitor research

The next key point you need to consider when building your lead gen sales funnel is to be able to reverse engineer your competitors.

Most likely, you won’t be able to compete against the big boys without reverse engineering.

We use a few tools to do this…

  • Facebook ads library – to see what funnels are working, what criteria they are asking for, how many steps there are in the funnel, etc, in your niche.
  • Big Spy – to find creatives for Facebook and YouTube.
  • Google Search – to find hooks, angles, copy, etc.

It’s always a good idea to see what your competitors are doing. You can then mesh those ideas into what you’re setting out to do.

sales funnel

The Offer is key…

Having a strong offer is so important.

Work on your offer BEFORE you work on anything else.

You need to be able to understand with your client your offer.

Your aim is to position their service as an offer that converts.

Once your offer has been chosen, make sure the offer is congruent throughout the lander.


Before the person gets to your Call To Action, you want to get them started.

Focus on asking a simple, binary question to start off with.

This will get them going with a micro commitment, and help them move along the funnel.

So they start this quiz, you want to use arrows from the headline or sub-headline that points down to the first binary question.

Also something that’s great, is using a photo of a person you have used throughout, positioned looking at where the CTA is.

However you do it, your Call To Action needs to be attention grabbing.

There needs to be a CTA above the fold so you don’t lose their attention.

It’s a good idea to also try and get the click in multiple different ways

  • Buttons
  • Hyperlinks
  • Image links
  • Side panels

Trust factors…

Trust factors are super important.

Cold audiences need to be able to trust you.

There’s simple ways of doing this…

You need to ensure you have all the ‘Secure’ symbols and disclaimers on the page.

E.g. ‘We will Protect Your Data’ – under the form.

If you’ve run GDN traffic, you can have ‘As Seen On – (then list the most popular newspapers)’.

Also, testimonials are key if you have them.

They can be the last push over the line. A Trustpilot would be great.

So what Now?

That’s everything. 

That’s how you can build an epic sales funnel.

Now you know what factors you need to consider, you can be on your way to getting started.

Want even more?

We’re giving you access to our lead gen funnel we used in the financial services industry.

Using this one funnel generated us over $1.5 million in revenue.

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