Comprehensive Guide On How To Write HIGH CONVERTING Advertorials

How to write high converting advertorials…

High converting advertorials are great. I see them everywhere.

A lot of ads tend to be advertorial ads, especially in the native space.

But how do you write high converting advertorials?

Just one high convering advertorial funnel has made us 7 figs in 2018.

At one point we did 680 leads in 4 hours with Twitter ads using an advertorial to lander funnel.

There is so much opportunity with this type of funnel.

But I can’t seem to find GREAT training on how to write high converting advertorials.

That’s why with the help from two of the best copywriters – Dan and Hugh, we’ve made a webinar for you all about how to write high converting advertorials.

But first of all…

What is an advertorial?

An advertorial is simply an advertisement masquerading as an editorial.

Advertorials are so valuable, here’s why…

  • They increase the size of your potential market
  • They make your advertising feel valuable
  • They’re huge for Google/FB Compliance
  • Great for GDN/Taboola
  • Allows you to tell a longer story

The key focus of an advertorial is to give information and value to the reader, NOT hitting them with another sales pitch.


Structure/Formatting of a high converting advertorial

The structure and formatting is super important when writing high converting advertorials.

Here’s the structure you need:

  • Headline – it needs to be attention grabbing, new-sy, and clear & concise.
  • Opening – include a myth exposed, interesting stories, and hit their emotional hot points.
  • Transition – introduce the expert or your solution and give proof.
  • Close – lead the reader to the CTA and be obvious about it.

Here’s a quick formatting checklist:

  • Images and captions – captions under images act as a subheading.
  • Fonts – keep everything nice and easy to read, with good spacing etc.
  • Sentence length – stick to short sentences and only include one or two sentences per paragraph.
  • CTA – always have your Call To Action above the fold.
  • Faux advertising on the side – to attract the eye and get the click through to the next page.
  • Subheadings – to break up the text.
  • Links in the text – to give it the look of a news article.
  • Colours – use different colour links and buttons for CTAs.
  • Stories/testimonials – Use stories/testimonials for people’s experiences

Our Webinar on High Converting Advertorials…

In this webinar, we take a deep dive into what makes a great advertorial. We give you a comprehensive guide on exactly how to write high converting advertorials.

We want you to have the know-how to write high converting advertorials so you can have the same level of success. 

First, let me give you a quick breakdown of what we talk about…

  • What is an Advertorial… and why is it valuable?
  • The Big Idea
  • Structure
  • Formatting
  • Testing
  • How to work with us
  • Q&A

In this webinar, we give you repeatable training and templates so you can get started writing high converting advertorials.

We show you examples within the financial services industry so you can really see what works!

So grab a cup of coffee and a notepad and start watching our webinar to discover how to write high converting advertorials.

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