The 50%+ LTA Appointment Funnel 📈 – The “Holy Grail” Appointment Setting Funnel 💥

Want to start selling appointments and leads using the same funnel?

Let’s show you how our appointment funnel works which has smashed our Lead To Appointment ratio.

Why should you start selling appointments?

Let’s look at the reasons why you’d wanna add appointments to what you do inside your lead gen agency.

It totally depends on the client you are working with, in terms of the profitability and how much of a success this can be.

Some clients are the ones that just get it.

They have a strong sales team who are machines on the phone.

You give them as many leads as you can and they close, close, close.

Not like the clients who stop ordering leads due to “poor lead quality”. When in reality they aren’t picking up the phone in time or making their receptionist take the calls.

These types of clients aren’t going to make any lead gen model work as they aren’t built for closing.

We started thinking about selling appointments so the client is given a specific time to talk to someone who is interested in their service.

It’s simple and easy, and hard to mess up!

But… There’s a lot of lead gens who are hesitant about putting an appointment setting process into their campaigns. 

That’s usually because if they’re selling appointments, there’s usually a lot of wastage.

It can also become pretty expensive.


What is our appointment funnel?

We’ve figured out a way to sell leads to the big boys that have a big call centre and just want to be fed leads. 

Then we sell appointments to the smaller guys.

Depending on where the lead is gonna go, we can move them to either part of the appointment funnel.

So, to either the appointment client or the big boys that are just buying leads.

This appointment setting method is incredibly powerful.

Hence why we’ve called it the Holy Grail Appointment Funnel because we can do the best of both worlds.

It’s pretty simple…

Quiz → Appointment Page → Thank You page

The appointment funnel page uses the same URL but it rotates the calendar depending on where the lead is going.

When you start using this appointment setting funnel, you’ll see a massive jump in lead to appointment ratio.

We’ve gone from 30% to around 70% Lead To Appointment ratio in the US insurance space.

As I’ve said before this appointment setting method is incredibly powerful.

So if you want more info about our Holy Grail Appointment Funnel click here to watch our webinar.

Get ready to see your LTA jump up.

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