SKYROCKET Lead Quality With These Simple Changes 🚀

Lead Quality & The Thank You Page?

There are a lot of levers you can pull to try and improve lead quality:

  • Number validation
  • pin verification
  • Good segmentation in the quiz
  • Etc Etc Etc

However, many Lead Gens completely forget about the Thank You Page!

This is vital real estate which is often over look because marketers get sucked into the thought process “Job Done” once the lead has been collected.

To retain your clients, they have to get a good return on your leads.

Contact Rate is HUGE.

If they can actually talk to someone, their sales team can close the crap out of them.

The Thank You Page can help double the contact rate of your leads!

Yes, you heard that correctly.

Almost 100% of your leads will see the Thank you page… Compared to roughly 50% of your leads that will open your first email.

The Thank You page Matters!

Here’s how you improve yours and skyrocket your lead quality…

Dynamic Thank You Pages

Dynamic Thank You Pages are a great way of giving a personal feel to the client. 

It doesn’t feel like a page that everyone sees with generic information…

It feels like a page specifically curated for them, and they will therefore be more inclined to read it, which in turn will help boost the lead quality.

So many people miss this opportunity and it’s so SIMPLE to do!

Just ensure you append the form data through to the TY page in the URL string, whether that’s in LeadsHook or Unbounce etc and then create a dynamic bit of text on your TY page that will take the value “First_name=” from the URL string.

Unique Reference Number

A Unique Reference Number can really boost lead quality. 

It gives your company more legitimacy and boosts the trust the lead has in you.

All well-established businesses such as banks use unique reference numbers allocated to an enquiry.

So why shouldn’t we do that in lead gen?

LeadsHook, as well as others,  has the capability to do this and it can be easily pulled through to the TY page with the same process as I mentioned above.


Add the client’s number they will use

This is a simple one.

Put the number the client is going to be calling from. 

If they don’t have a set number, at least mention the area code the number will be calling from.

People very rarely pick up unknown numbers these days, so letting them know the number that will be calling will boost contact rates, and thus, lead quality.

Add an organic video to boost lead quality

This can be a shaky iPhone video or a more professional one. 

The purpose of this video is to explain what the next steps are, so the lead is more prepared for taking the call.

Some people may be anxious picking up a call and not knowing what to expect, or what they need to have to hand to help.

A quick video from the client can put any uncertainty to bed, and make the prospect feel more confident to take the call.

Which will increase contact rates and…

You guessed it. Lead Quality!

Add a calendar

Allowing the lead to pick a time to be contacted can help with contact rates.

Some people do not want to be taken off guard with a phone call out of the blue and would prefer to know when the call will be so they can be prepared for it.

The client will also like this, as they arent hounding people and they know that this person is wanting to be called at that time.

It doesn’t mean 100% contact rates, but adding that option can help certain leads pick up, who may not have previously.

Improving lead quality.

Use Bonjoro to boost lead quality and contact rates

Bonjoro is a cool little app that adds another personalized touch to the lead’s experience after converting.

Although not strictly on the TY page, it can still form part of the process to improving lead quality.

Bonjoro will ping you/ your client when a new lead comes in and it allows you to record a quick 15-second message saying you’re looking forward to the call etc.

This can put a face to the name and make the company feel more familiar, meaning that the lead is more likely to pick up when they call.

Again, improving lead quality.

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