Q&A From Our Free Facebook Group the “Pay Per Lead Ninjas”

What are some of the recent ‘most asked’ Pay Per Lead questions in my Free Facebook Group?

This week I went through some of the most asked Pay Per Lead questions in my Facebook Group, “The Pay Per Lead Ninjas”.

If you’re looking to get Lead Generation or Pay Per Lead tips…

Then join my free Facebook Group “The Pay Per Lead Ninjas”.

Let’s get into these Pay Per Lead questions.

Q1: What are the most important components of starting a PPL agency?

Pay Per Lead Tips

Pay Per Lead tip #1

Selling to your existing client base is the fastest way to get started as a Pay Per Lead agency. 

It’s an easy transition if you’ve been running an agency beforehand. 

You know the cost per lead, the quality, and how many leads you can generate because you’ve already got the clients. 

If you haven’t got the luxury of having clients already, think about the scalability of the niche first

Then think about delivering leads to clients.


Q2: How do you maximise the LTA ratio and show up rate without irritating your leads with too many follow ups? How many messages is too much?

Pay Per Lead tip #2

There’s no limit to the number of follow ups you can send. 

The mistake people make is sending the same message over and over again – and the prospects get bored.

Don’t be boring with your follow up, try to think about different angles which are going to get them excited. 

You can slice and dice your outreach message hundreds of ways until one day it resonates. 

For example, people were always asking us about price and quality, so we gave them a price list, which masquerades as sales letter. 

25% of people will respond if we tell them we have a price list.

Q3: What is the best way to distribute leads? How do you send leads to the clients?

Pay Per Lead Tips

Pay Per Lead tip #3

There’s many different ways to distribute leads to your clients. 

The way we teach it in our Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint initially is to have one lead form per client. 

We do everything through Facebook lead ads. 

By allocating a budget and advertising to that particular client’s location you can then sell the lead to them from that lead form. 

Over time you’ll start getting clients that want different criteria within their leads. 

In order to get more advanced, you’re going to need a lead distribution tool, we recommend LeadByte (more on this later).

Q4: What strategy is used for email and phone number verification?

Pay Per Lead Tips

Pay Per Lead tip #4

The biggest problem that I see for clients with kickback about their lead quality always comes down to contact rate. 

There are many ways marketers verify phone numbers or email addresses before leads are sold on to the client. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Tools that prevent the form from submitting if data is entered incorrectly such as Twilio or Data Soap.
  • Survey tools that require people to enter verification codes back into the form, such as LeadsHook.
  • Another way to verify a lead is through GoHighLevel where a verification process is used to ensure the person wants a call.

Another tip is to experiment with different approaches depending on the type of client you’re working with.

Q5: Using the PPL model, do you charge clients with ad spend or just the leads you send them?

Pay Per Lead tip #5

There are 4 main ways to charge clients with performance-based marketing:

  1. The grandfather deal – this is where we get the client to pay for the ad spend. When entering a new niche it’s great to help you figure out your cost per lead and quality.
  2. Straight up pay-per-lead through charging up front.
  3. Paying after the lead is delivered – if you’re doing pin verified leads then you can charge clients through their credit card whenever a lead is delivered.
  4. Back-end deals – you generate the leads, pass them to the client and they pay you a large percentage of the sale price when it closes. The problem with this method is that the client doesn’t have much skin in the game, I wouldn’t recommend doing this when getting started. 

If you want a more in-depth explanation on these, watch this video.

Q6: What software are you using to distribute leads based on location?

Pay Per Lead Tips

Pay Per Lead tip #6

We use Leadbyte, which looks at many criteria, including postcodes, to identify leads. 

You can then set up criteria to filter leads from certain postcodes to go to Client A and other postcodes to Client B. I recommend checking it out.

Q7: What kind of contact rate do you see for leads on average?

Pay Per Lead tip #7

It depends on the niche you’re in. 

For example, if you’re generating debt consolidation leads that are being chased by debt collectors, they prefer not to pick up the phone. 

If you’re not verifying the phone number then you’ll see a 50% or less contact rate compared to a B2B lead selling something someone really wants. 

There are many ways to increase your contact rate and by doing what we do we are now close to 100% contact rates with our leads. 

If you want to know more about that, I’ve created some training on getting clients.

Want to learn more about starting your Pay Per Lead journey?

Go check out our Flexxable YouTube channel…

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