Make EASY Passive Income With This EPIC Lead Gen Tool 🧰 – Flexx Configurators

Passive income…

Over the last few years, this has become a buzzword in the entrepreneurial circle. 

The holy grail that all the rich TikTokers thank for the reason they can jet-set around the world.

However, this is the perfect income for every agency as it isn’t too time intensive and can help fund other marketing ventures they want to carry out.

We are always looking for new ways to help agencies succeed and we truly believe we’ve found something unique here that offers recurring income consistently…

Our Flexx Configurators…

What is a Configurator?

Ok. So let’s do a little role play here to explain this…

You own a home and you need a new roof. 

You search “Roofers in California”, and you find a good looking company, let’s call them LA Roofs.

But all you want to find out is how much it could cost you and you don’t want to waste time on a sales call if it’s not for you.

All the company is offering is an “over the phone quote”, which puts you off immediately. 

You click off the page and look elsewhere…

THIS is where the configurator could be invaluable to this kind of company.

The sole purpose of the configurator is to ask them multiple questions and then spit out an accurate pricing range for the customer.

Check out the video above to see it live, in action from 5 minutes 50 to 11 minutes.


How Can It Help Your Clients?

The configurator is a lead generation tool, not a sales tool. 

It doesn’t require extra paid traffic to the site, it’s used to maximise their conversions from their organic traffic…

Which is the best traffic your site can get. 

People usually are visiting websites to get an estimate on price. If you give them what they are looking for, they are more likely to convert.

Simple really. 

But the proof is really in the pudding.

Check this out…

passive income configurator case study lead gen

BEFORE Flexx Configurator

This was for a flooring client. 

They had an average of 600 people coming to their site each month. 

They were converting that traffic at 1.67%, so 10 leads a month.

AFTER Flexx Configurator

They still had an average of 600 people coming to their site each month. 

BUT they were now converting that traffic at 10.02%, which was 60 leads a month.

A 600% increase in conversion rate…


That’s an extra 50 QUALITY leads a month, with no extra traffic.

This is what a configurator can do for your clients and they’d be fools to say no with these numbers!

How can YOU make passive income from a Configurator?

So we are offering lead gens the chance to get their hands on this and pitch it to their clients.

We will do all the building, backend stuff to get it up and ready.

All you need to do is deal with the clients.

A match made in heaven. 

You will charge your client an upfront fee to build the configurator (which our team will do).

We will then charge you an upfront fee to build it.

For example, you charge your client a $1,500 upfront fee and pay us $500 to build it.

Then you will charge your client a monthly fee (it can be whatever you want).

Then you would pay us a monthly fee to use the configurator.

PLUS you can also charge them per lead the configurator generates. We would then take a small fee per lead.

The more clients you sign up, the more passive income you make.

Some people are making $30k a month from this arrangement. All you have to do is find the clients…

And being in lead gen, you probably have a list as long as your arm of potential clients who would love to try this out.

Are You Interested?

If this has “whet your appetite”, and you’re intrigued by how this may work for you, message me at [email protected] and I can go more in-depth as to how this would work for you.

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