DOUBLE Your Landing Page Conversion Rate With these Simple Tips 📈

Your landing page conversion rate is a vital metric for you to produce leads at a decent cost.

You can have an epic ad that’s getting cheap clicks and generating good traffic…

BUT if your landing page isn’t optimised for conversions you could be losing leads left, right and centre.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion rate optimization is something that all marketers should have a basic grasp of to maximise their lead generation efforts.

This is all about testing different aspects of the page to see what helps boost the pages conversion rate. 

For example, you can tweak the following – 

  • User Experience on the page
  • Optimize page load times
  • Start split testing pages

We have created a whole blog on the basics of conversion rate optimization. So if you’re starting to optimize your landing page, I suggest checking that out first and then coming back to this blog.


My Simple Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

So without further ado, here are the things that have been working for my agency over the past few months, that have helped boost our conversion rates. 

1. Exit Pops

Exit pops are nothing new and have been regularly used for infomercial products. However, we’ve found they work just as well in day-to-day lead gen. 

They mop up the last few possible leads from people leaving the landing page before taking action. 

It offers them their final chance to sign up for the service/product. You can reframe your offer here to try and make that final offer to convince them.

This has added a good couple of percent to our conversion rate. 

It’s vital to understand people can convert in different ways, and not everyone will just put their details into a form on a page.

conversion rate - exit pops exit intent popups

2. Facebook Chat Plugin

You can’t think of all prospects as equal. Every person who hits your page ISN’T going to want to give their email address BUT may still be interested in your offer.

For example, some people would prefer to chat on the phone, or some may want to chat over messenger.

So it’s important to offer prospects various ways to convert…

Facebook has created a plugin that can be added to your unbounce or WordPress page that allows visitors to open up messenger on the page and chat with your fan page.

When we first tried this we were amazed at how many leads actually started engaging with us on messenger, rather than via submitting their details.

We were seeing the usual amount of leads per week come via the form (around 100) but were getting around 10 extra leads on top from the messenger plugin, significantly boosting our conversion rate.

Not only were we generating extra leads but we were actually having invaluable face time with our target market, learning more about their needs which we could then put back into our marketing.

Even better…

It’s completely FREE, unlike other live chat software. So give it go!

3. Flexx Configurator

This is a new bit of software that we have available and it’s taking the marketing world by storm!

One of the big things a lot of clients, such as roofers, lack is a pricing function on their website. 

Currently, most just have a contact us section and they will call back and do a face to face quote. 

This is great but puts a lot of people off, who just want a rough idea on how much it will cost.

This is where the Flexx Configurator comes in. 

It’s a piece of software that is added to the client’s main site and spits out a range of prices for the work the client would like.

The beauty of this is that there is no extra ad spend required. 

You utilize your client’s organic traffic and can double the number of leads for them, skyrocketing their organic conversion rate.

These are extremely high quality leads as they have organically found the site and actively want a quote.

It’s early in the implementation stage, but we have just under 100 people already signed up. If you are interested in finding out a bit more about it, please reach out to [email protected].

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