A Complete Guide To Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimization…

Today, we’re talking about Conversion Rate Optimization on your landing pages.

Simplicity is key here. There’s no need to start confusing things.

You want to start making significant changes NOW.

So why is it vital to optimize your conversion rate on your landing pages?

It’s particularly vital if you’re running paid traffic – from Facebook, Youtube, or Google.

If you’re doing a great job on your creative, and have your hooks dialled in, and getting super cheap CPMs and CPCs, that’s amazing.

But what happens next?

They click through to your landing page and it’s just not working…

Maybe you’re getting a less than 5% conversion rate, your CPL is spiking through the roof, and there’s high bounce rates on your pages.

Sound familiar?

This is where Conversion Rate Optimization is key!

To put it simply, there’s just no point working so hard with your ads and getting such cheap clicks, if your landing page just isn’t doing the work for you.

So, here’s my guide to conversion rate optimization…

User experience

When it comes to your landing page, you want it to be perfect for the user.

User experience is important when it comes to Conversion Rate Optimization.

The consumer does not want to see spelling mistakes, confusing layouts with problems on mobile, etc, etc.

Ultimately, you want it to look professional and user friendly.

So, it’s always a good idea to send the page that you’ve built to close friends, who can provide you with some open and honest feedback.

You can also install hotjar to allow you to track the user journey.

It’s such a great piece of software. You can learn A LOT by just watching what people are doing.


Check the load times of your pages

If your load times for your landing page are slow, then you’re already giving yourself a disadvantage from the get-go.

This is probably the first Conversion Rate Optimization tip you should implement.

Consumers can be impatient.

So it’s so easy to lose the attention of your consumer.

Slow load times are a big reason that campaigns often fail.

We use a tool called pingdom – for website performance and availability monitoring.

The goal is to achieve a load speed time that is less than two seconds (preferably closer to 1 second).

You can also check image sizes and compress images if needed and optimize page scripts to improve your load speed time.

Conversion Rate Optimization - Loading

Start split testing

Remember – you only want to have one big change happening at a time.

We use unbounce as our landing page builder and it has great split testing capabilities.

We have a champion variant vs. challenger variant.

You want to make a very big change on the challenger variant and see what wins.

If after a couple of days, the challenger variant does not win, we simply bin it and start again with a new variant.

The headline is a great change to make on your landing page.

Most people have their main offer in the headline. But try targeting the emotion and the pain points that people are experiencing rather than trying to sell the offer inside the headline.

That’s our complete guide to conversion rate optimization.

So start making changes to your landing pages to make it work for your user.

What will work for your end user will work for you in terms of optimizing your conversion rate.

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