How to Reverse Engineer Your Competitors

How to Reverse Engineer Your Competitors

Hi everyone!

Today’s video is all about reverse engineering your competitor’s ads.

When you’re running paid traffic, you don’t have time to be messing about trying to reinvent the wheel.

You’ve got to get it right (or right enough) the first time. And, with some clients, you have about 7 days to prove your worth.

Being a master of any field means learning from the people who came before you. Reverse-engineering is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. You find your main competitors and study their ads, advertorials, landing pages, quizzes, or what have you.

Then, you pull apart what you’ve found to see how it works and to analyse its strengths and weaknesses.

Something works? Swipe it, and improve on it. Something not so good? Work out why it doesn’t work, and how you can make it better.

Reverse-engineering is performed in every field you can think of. It saves a tonne of time, a tonne of energy, and the results are usually far better than when you struggle to come up with something “100% original”.

Watch today’s video, and I’ll show you how to reverse engineer from the big boys, using a range of online tools.

Best of all, this process should only take a couple of hours before your ads start looking super-hot.

Though a word to the wise: reverse engineering is not the same as stealing. I’ve seen a few guys just outright steal in my line of work, and I’ve seen the injured parties call them out for it. Online. Usually, in front of thousands of people.

As you can imagine, people take a dim view of those who are too lazy to do the work for themselves. And it only takes being caught out once for your credibility to go crashing through the floor.

Reverse engineering is more like learning from the masters in your field.

If you’re an artist, it doesn’t mean replicating someone else’s painting brushstroke by brushstroke. It’s taking inspiration from multiple sources and piecing that inspiration together, like a jigsaw puzzle.

Reverse engineering also means you’ll be one step ahead of your competition. By making it your mission to learn and improve continually, you’ll soon find yourself outstripping the competition.

Remember, all the “big boys” in the Pay Per Lead field were in the same position as you, once. It’s a long climb, but the results make everything worth it. And, one day, you’ll be referred to as one of the “big boys” yourself.

That’s it for my video today. If you want to know more about the transition, watch my FREE case study and see if the Pay Per Lead model will suit your agency. 

In my case study, I also talk about how I: 

  • Severed ties with retainer contracts once and for all
  • Moved away from local businesses
  • Started working with national B2C companies
  • Land high-ticket clients
  • Found the verticals we work in
  • Consistently generate leads of the highest quality using platforms such as Google AdWords, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter 

If you want to find out more, click below to watch the case study now: 


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