Designed to be the “smartest, fastest, easiest way to improve your user experience”, FullStory is an app that captures all your customer experience data in one easy-to-use platform.
With every click, keypress, and page transition automatically indexed, a FullStory user will be able to see what happens on their site through the eyes of a visitor. This takes away a lot of the guesswork and brings to light any faults in the User Interface.
FullStory makes three promises:
1. That it will capture every click, transition and keypress made by visitors and automatically index them to make them easily accessible by users.
2. That it’s fast and intuitive, helping users find customers, identify Rage clicks, summon page analytics and build funnels instantly.
3. That it successfully identifies customer frustration, including Rage, Error and Dead clicks, and can speed up troubleshooting.
1. What FullStory is and how it works
2. Why the app is two steps ahead of its competitor, HotJar
3. How FullStory gives you a detailed analysis of what works and what doesn’t on your website
4. How using the app will help optimise your Facebook campaigns and maximise your ROI.
Do you use FullStory or HotJar? Which do you prefer? Share your stories in the comment boxes below!
If you’re looking to build your business, but you’re unsure where to turn, take a look at our FREE case study