Facebook Detailed Targeting Expansion Is Now Compulsory ☝️

Facebook has made Detailed Targeting Expansion mandatory.

So what does this mean? Is this beneficial for lead gens?

What is Detailed Targeting Expansion?

Detailed targeting expansion allows Facebook to target people who they think may convert, even if they are outside of your targeting parameters.

It will take an interest audience like “Business Page Admins” from 2 million in the UK, to 40 million!

This is because it can now target the whole of the UK.

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What has Facebook done with Detailed Targeting Expansion?

This feature always used to be a check box, however it is now mandatory.

It is only mandatory for Facebook conversion campaigns, but not other types of campaigns… YET.

Facebook believes that advertisers get better results using this feature and have decided to make everyone do it, as a quick fix to the growing ad costs etc.

This is similar to why Youtube has stopped the skippable ads and replaced this entirely with “Trueview for Action” Ad, that has to go on the display network.

Why does this cause a problem?

By Facebook making detailed targeting expansion compulsory, this could become a problem for brand new ad accounts.

Brand new ad accounts without any pixel data could suffer at the start as Facebook doesn’t know who to target yet and there’s no way to really narrow your audience.

This may mean that you’ll need to spend a lot to get the results you want in the beginning.

Lead gens will also have less overall control to get a competitive advantage over other media buyers.

detailed targeting expansion

Why it could be beneficial

Facebook have said they will only use detailed targeting expansion if your ads are not performing well to the targeted audience.

So in theory if your audience is performing well, they will not use it. 

But this is just in theory!

It does NOT apply to location, age & gender. It only applies to your selected interest audience.

Detailed targeting expansion does not affect your excluded audiences either.

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What do we recommend?

Some people are recommending changing campaign type to get around it.

You could exclude certain audiences you don’t want targeted.

However, we recommend sticking with conversion campaigns, as Facebook will always give you what you ask for.

Only exclude your previous leads from the campaign so you aren’t wasting money on duplicates, but we wouldn’t exclude any further as you may be excluding some gold you didn’t know about.

This will really help the newbies in Facebook advertising as they probably don’t have the skills yet to manage campaigns on a micro level.

It will be annoying for the first few months as any change we aren’t used to can take some time to get accustomed to.

We’ve used detailed targeting in the past to great effect for smaller sized interest audiences.

The main takeaway – DON’T start changing stuff just to avoid using this. It could cause much greater harm to your accounts.

Call out audiences in the ad copy. This will also help the pixel on who to target based off of people who clicked.

We hope these changes to Facebook’s detailed targeting expansion are all clear.

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