How To Find Your Vertical | Profitable Niches

Choosing your vertical…

If you want to be successful in PPC advertising and lead generation, you’ll have to choose a vertical or niche to specialise in.

Sure, when you get started, it’s all about the grind. But when you start getting some more experience, it’s good to niche down.

Having a vertical is crucial because if you try to cater to everyone, your marketing and message won’t appeal to anyone.

When searching for your vertical, think about your ideal client.

What industry are they in?

Are they big enough to deal with 100 leads a week?

Are they solving a problem that millions face every day?

If you’re struggling to decide, or need some more advice, use the following Dos and Don’ts to find your vertical.

DON’T Generate Leads For Local Businesses


By local businesses, I mean industries like:

  • Dentists
  • Gyms
  • Estate agents
  • Plastic surgeons

When it comes to finding your vertical, this has got nothing to do with how useful these services are, but how far they can scale.

Take a dental practice, for example.

Unless the dental practice in question is an international sensation with branches all over the country, it’s severely limited by how many leads it can process.

After all, a dentist only has so many hours in the day to see their patients.

On top of that, it’s highly unlikely that the dentist will have a sales team to deal with the leads you generate.

Sales duties will be handed over to the receptionist, who has neither the time nor the resources to close those leads properly.

So, if you’re generating 100 high-quality leads per month, only one or two of those will become new customers.

And, by generating leads for said dental practice, you’ll also be making life difficult for yourself.

A local business, by its very definition, is designed to cater for the local area.

This means that, unless highly specialised, people aren’t coming from far and wide for the service.

You’re now in a trap.

On the one hand, the client is paying you to generate X amount of leads.

On the other, you’re restricted to a catchment area with lots of competition within that area. (Think how many dentists are in your town!).

Your Facebook campaign will also be limited geographically, which will affect how many people can see your ads.

In this situation, it would be challenging to generate 5 or 6 leads, never mind 100.

DO Focus On High-Ticket Verticals

Unlike local businesses, high-ticket clients have deep enough pockets to afford a large ad spend.

As a general rule of thumb, a high-ticket client should be earning around £3000/$3000 per close in order to scale.

If you’re on the cost per lead model, and you’re charging $30 a lead at 10 leads a day, just one conversion means £300/$300 spent on one £3000/$3000 deal.

Obviously, this is a no brainer for any high-ticket client with a large sales team.

If ten leads = one sale, and they have multiple people on the phones for eight hours a day, a week’s profit could amount to tens of thousands.

And a good business knows they’ll have to pay for leads to keep the company afloat.

If the high-ticket client is happy with their ROI, they’ll have the budget to scale from 10 leads a day, to 50, to 100 and so on.

If you’re on the cost-per-lead model, you could even start segmenting your leads by quality, then sell the better leads for higher prices.

A savvy business owner will know a good deal when they see one.

They will be happy to pay more for leads with a high conversion rate.

Need more help choosing a vertical and finding PPL clients?

Look no further.

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Everything you need to know is in my book.

“A must-read for any agency owner who wants to learn the most profitable agency model in existence.”
Chris Von Wilpert, Content Mavericks

DO Go For National Companies With a B2C Audience

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Did you know that it’s 150x easier to get leads for a national client than a local?

The best type of vertical you could hope to work in is one with an offer or service that appeals to the whole of the country – or even the entire world.

See, there are 50 million people over the age of 18 in the UK alone.

With the nationally appealing service, that’s 50 million potential leads!

When it comes to your ad campaigns, there’s little chance of ad fatigue.

You’ll have a big enough audience to share a variety of ads for the same service.

And, if you run some ads that aren’t at their maximum potential, only a tiny fraction of your audience will have seen them before you’re able to correct the issue.

Advertising to a national audience can have a very positive effect on your cost per lead (CPL), as you can tweak the ads to suit the client’s ideal customer.

The more relevant the ads are for the user, the cheaper the leads will be to generate.

If you can find these national B2C clients with big pockets, they’ll scale to infinity and you can produce supreme-quality leads.

This advice isn’t only for those on the cost-per-lead model. Anyone working with retainer contracts should strive for these national, high-ticket clients.

It may take more time to set up the agreement and do the paperwork but, with a quick Google search, you’ll find companies who will write contracts for a fee.

If you put this idea on the table, a high-ticket client is less likely to turn down a retainer.

It means that they won’t have to put in vast amounts of work so, essentially, they’ll get something for nothing.

There are plenty of these national industries out there – a quick Google search will uncover thousands.

Found your national client and unsure how to take the next step in PPL?

Find out how you can move away from retainer contracts, where you feel like a slave to your clients, and transition to using PPL.

We can help you to “Escape Retainer Jail” and grow your agency with a few PPL clients in ONE vertical.

Watch how Agency Al did it and find out how you can do the same.

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