$3 Solar Leads and EPIC Contact Rates With UGC Facebook Ads đŸ€Ż

Here’s how our video ad formula generates solar leads for less than $5…

If you’re looking to generate solar leads, our video ad formula from our AMA training could halve your cost per lead. 

We’re seeing under $5 on average for solar leads in the UK with this formula.

We’ve tried everything.

From image ads to maps

But this simple method is one of the most effective ways to skyrocket contact rates and generate solar leads.

We’re sharing a preview of our Ask Me Anything webinar that will reveal how you can generate $5 leads in a variety of verticals.


Video ads are outperforming everything.

We perused Facebook ad libraries to see what everyone else was doing.

Pretty much the entire industry is running static image ads, typically a map style image with a city and a pin on it in an attempt to grab the attention of people in the area.

The truth is

Image doesn’t cut it anymore ✂

Everyone is far more engaged with video – Instagram Reels and Facebook stories are outperforming EVERYTHING.

Platforms want engaging content for their users.

A great way to create these is with a UGC style ad.

Typically, it’s a video testimonial or review recorded by someone who’s bought your product or service.

It’s not always possible to get video testimonials as a lead gen because you don’t often get to speak to the end lead, this is usually handled by the service providers.

With this style of creative, there were days when we generated solar leads for as little as $3!

Gone are the days of creating epic rules and bid caps.

Everything revolves around the creative…

It’s the key to enter almost any offer you want, as long as you have a good hook and understand the offer.

This way, you’ll be able to land a ridiculous amount of quality leads.

If you want to find out how you can do this as a lead gen, watch this video.

Want to learn how to generate leads for $3?

Check out our Flexxable YouTube channel

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