Lead Gen Clients to Avoid Like The Plague đŸ˜·

Clients to AVOID: Don’t Make This Mistake – Find Out What Happens When You Take On The WRONG Lead Gen Clients!

Some people ask, why not just work with any client that will buy our leads?

But if you want to be at the top of your game as an agency, the type of lead gen clients you work with are key to your success.

And there are some clients to AVOID like the plague…

We teach pay per lead and performance based marketing. Which is an offer that is super easy to sell since there’s no need for any long-term retainer contracts – it’s a win-win!

Performance marketing isn’t like SEO where you’re looking at a payoff that’s 3-4 months down the road.

The clients can buy 100 leads from you, they shell out the cash upfront for those leads, then you deliver them.

If they’re not satisfied, they won’t be back for seconds.

But if they do, they’ll be hooked and keep on coming back for more.

This offer is too good to pass up, you’ll find that people you’re advertising to and even your past clients will be all over it.

That may be a good thing BUT

I’ve learnt this the hard way.

When you first start selling leads, you gotta be picky about who you want to work with.

Because if you work with the wrong people, you’re in for a bumpy ride.

You might have clients asking for refunds.

Constantly complaining, not paying on time, demanding all sorts of things…

The list goes on.

Watch the video to see what type of clients to AVOID when running Pay Per Lead!

Want to learn how to make performance-based marketing easy?

Check out our Flexxable YouTube Channel…

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew When Choosing Lead Gen Clients

So, how do you know what type of lead gen clients to avoid?

It all boils down to your level of experience.

Let’s say you’ve been working with mortgage brokers to run ads and generate leads, all on a retainer basis through your agency.

You know your leads are doing alright, and getting results for your clients, so you figured let’s switch to pay per lead.

Not much has changed from what you were doing before and what you’re doing now.

You’ll likely be able to sustain yourself and in that case, you have a good level of experience.

Whether you’re running Google AdWords or an advertorial funnel, your clients should have a good shot at making those leads work.

When you’ve got a top-notch product that you know will fly off the shelves, you can take it easy when it comes to pitching it to potential lead gen clients.

Just let your product do the talking and watch the leads roll in!

It could be a good idea to ease into pay per lead by starting with a smaller amount of leads, just to make sure everything is ticking along nicely for your client.

If you are less experienced but can get the client to agree to a 50/50 payment setup – half now, half later – you might feel better about getting into the deal.

But also, when you know your product is good, you can be confident that repeat business will come knocking if you up your game even more.

Make sure your deal matches your level of experience, or your client will be like this by the time you’ve finished working with them:

Beware of Blabbermouths – Clients to Avoid Red Flag #1

Listen to your gut.

If a client is constantly boasting about how great they are and how they convert leads at an unbelievable rate with a super low cost per acquisition, chances are they’re not being straight with you.

Now, that’s a red flag you want to watch out for.

Trust your instincts and be on the lookout for those who are all talk and no action.

It usually means they’re not being upfront and honest with you.

I don’t have time for that kind of BS.

But on the bright side, it usually means they’re feeling a little insecure about their business and are desperate for leads.

Personally, I would put these type of people on the list of clients to avoid.

#2 – Working with a Client Without a Dedicated Sales Team Could Be a Recipe for Disaster

Another red flag to look out for when it comes to clients to avoid: make sure your client has a sales team in place before you sell them leads.

I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

If you sell leads to a solo mortgage broker who’s also trying to write mortgages and close deals, they probably won’t be able to get back to their clients quick enough.

And when that happens, guess who gets the blame?

Yup, you guessed it – you and your ‘crap’ leads.

So, save yourself the headache and ensure your client has a solid sales team in place before you do business with them.

I’ve learnt over the years – if you’re looking to avoid clients who don’t have a sales team or just aren’t a good fit, Facebook Ads are the way to go.

Because, if you’re chasing cold leads that may or may not be interested in your services, you’re probably seen as part of the ‘pest patrol’ and you’re wasting your time…

…especially when there’s tons of resources out there to automate your lead gen.

If you want to learn how to use Facebook Ads to target the right clients and make your life a whole lot easier, check out my training on B2B Facebook Lead Ads below.


Land Pay Per Lead Clients For As Little As $100 Using Our B2B Facebook Lead Ads

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