The Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint Reviews: Testimonials From Our Students

From signing on BIG clients, to getting 100% ROI per lead, to earning almost $100,000 per month from ONE client, members of The Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint have had some AMAZING results. 

You can read our own The Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint review here, or read a few excerpts from our members: 

“I’ve been through a ton of courses that teach how to get $100k per month, but Dan’s course is the only one I’ve been able to do it with… AND I DID IT WITH 1 CLIENT.” 

“I am consistently surprised by the value I get from Dan and his team. The model Dan teaches is far superior to any other business model that I know of. I’ve been through a ton of courses that teach how to get to $100k per month, but Dan’s pay per lead model is the only one that I’ve been able to do it with AND I DID IT WITH 1 CLIENT. 

When I started with Dan I was struggling to get 15% of my leads to turn into appointments, now I consistently get 25% of the leads I generate to turn into appointments for my client. This one thing has been responsible for $10’s of thousands of extra revenue PER MONTH for my business.  

I can’t recommend Dan’s course enough. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Every single thing you need to make build a profitable business quickly that doesn’t consume your whole life is within reach when you sign up to work with Dan.”

Matt Milne
Matt C Milne Consulting

“I provide leads at 100% ROI!”

“I didn’t come from a “retainer model” agency. In fact, I didn’t come from any agency. Just a dude trying to learn marketing and fancied getting myself something scalable.

By simply following the steps in the course I’ve managed to secure 2 clients who have agreed to 50 leads a week – and it’s very early days!

I’m not gonna lie, the trial was pretty scary as I’d never generated an income protection lead, and now I’m selling myself as an expert! But the simple, actionable steps in the course meant I was able to exceed mine and my clients’ expectations and provide the leads at 100% ROI! I can’t wait to see what 2020 is going to bring!” 

Jon Bowles
EGB Digita

“My client is prepared to scale to hundreds of leads a day… worth $1000/day or more in profit.” 

“I just wanted to share some good news. We landed a huge client just a couple weeks after starting the program. 

This client is prepared to scale to hundreds of leads per day if we can get them results after our trial, and could easily be worth $1,000/day or more in profit.

(And I’m pretty optimistic we’ll be able to get them results thanks to this program). 

Thank you, Dan and the rest of the Flexxable team for creating this great program!”

(For a full review of Matt Tenney’s progress, read our article here.) 

Matt Tenney 
The Generous Group

“The knowledge in this course would literally cost tens of thousands and years to get up to speed from scratch.” 

“I’ve been running marketing campaigns online for nearly two decades and still learnt loads with Flexxable’s training. Dan’s course is well thought through, insightful, engaging and particularly good in the soft skill areas which was a bonus surprise. Behind the scenes the is substance to the claims made, this is the real deal. The knowledge in this course would literally cost tens of thousands and years to get up to speed from scratch. 

Like any training, you’ll need to put the work in to get the results, but the blueprint is there, everything from gaining clients to copyrighting and making the campaigns to work. I’m always wary of any coaching or training sold via social or online, so was pleasantly surprised to find such a great course. Post sale Dan has kept his promises.

Thank you, Dan and the Flexxable team for sharing, my investment in your training is definitely paying off.”

Tim O’Shea
Credo Capital

“My profit margin is through the roof!” 

“Since implementing new ads (the way Dan is teaching) and sending traffic to an advertorial and then a landing page my lead costs have dropped dramatically! I am now generating leads at an average cost of around R25.00 per lead. My profit margin is through the roof.

The quality of the leads has also improved. Super happy right now as this market is a very difficult one to operate in and getting leads that cheap is almost unheard of.”

Leroy Williams
Advantage Digital Marketing

“Dan and the team genuinely care about the success of their students.” 

“Dan and his team at Flexxable have put together a brilliant and comprehensive course for those wanting to flip the script on running a Facebook Ads Agency. The course is very insightful, but broken down into manageable modules and Dan’s teaching style is friendly and easy to understand. 

Best of all is that Dan and the team are always on hand within the Flexxable Mastermind Group and genuinely care about the success of their students. The only con with Dan’s course is that it may not suit complete beginners, there is the assumption that you have some experience with Facebook Ads.

Well worth the money, and I know of courses charging 5 times more for much less!”

Robert Doran
Edge Advantage

“[Dan] has flipped the traditional agency retainer model in favour of a significantly more effective model for both his agency and his clients.” 

“Dan Wardrope has rare abilities when it comes to lead generation. He has flipped the traditional agency retainer model in favour of a significantly more effective model for both his agency and his clients.

Since Dan is one of a small group of high performers in my SilverCircle programme, I have had a front-row seat watching Flexxable grow rapidly under his acute leadership. 

What makes Dan unique is his clear vision of how things can be done differently. His fearless pursuit of unconventional and innovative approaches has resulted in massive success.”

James Schramko

“The results speak for themselves.”

“Dan Wardrope joined my first ever AgencySavvy programme, one of just ten brave entrepreneurs that didn’t quite know what they were getting into. A large part of that programme is centred on goal-setting and mindset. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but since then, I’ve have witnessed Dan’s phenomenal transformation. Just two years ago he was struggling to make ends meet, stressed & on an emotional rollercoaster. Now it’s a very different story. 

He’s rejected the traditional agency model & built something new, totally defined by why, how & what he wants. And the results speak for themselves. Dan is a breath of fresh air for the industry & if he’s teaching, I highly recommend you listen carefully.”

Mike Rhodes

“Things are changing in a machine that hasn’t changed much in 20 years.” 

“I used to value myself based on the knowledge I could share and the problems we solved. I always knew something was wrong though.

Thanks, Dan Wardrope. Seriously. Things are changing in a machine that hasn’t changed much in 20 years.

Joel Eckman 


“It makes tough subjects like lead generation at scale look easy and predictable.” 

“We have been working with Dan and his business FlexxDigital over the past 11 months. As of today, 25 April 2018 1:50am, Dan has been able to generate over 238,000 leads using our flagship lead generation platform LeadsHook in 11 months in some of the most competitive niches.

Dan is releasing a new course on lead generation at scale, which is unique because it is difficult to make it look this easy and predictable.”

Nik Thakorlal

“This model is priceless.” 

I have decided to join the Flexxable (The Pay Per Lead Model Blueprint) program because the method it teaches which is based on Pay Per Lead.

I was offering the retainer model, but having a hard time scaling with 2 people and was bored of doing the same thing for over 10 years.

With the pay per lead model, I am working with a handful of clients and making much more than when I was working with regular retainer clients. I highly recommend the PPL model, especially as you get access to the person (Dan) who teaches and implements it in his business. This is priceless.

Khoren Pilibossian
Zest Marketing

“It changed everything with how I approached my business. I no longer have to do the ‘feast or famine’ model.”

I’m a digital marketer and I’ve been online for about 20 years now. For me, the retainer model was my bread and butter. But every single month you knew, no matter what you did, that the client would want more from you, or would want to know when the contract ended. With the Flexxable program and Dan’s wisdom, it changed everything with how I approached my business. I no longer have to do the “feast or famine” model.

Dan’s training is the best I’ve had in a long time. The support is probably the best part of the whole training. And the training is phenomenal just by itself. It’s a masterclass in taking your agency from where it is and transforming it, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Winston Bromley
Marketing Refuel

“If you’re thinking about taking Dan’s [The Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint] course, I highly recommend it.” 

I’ve been in internet marketing for about eight/nine years. I’ve done retainers, I’ve done contracts, I’ve done Facebook ads management. I was working on retainer most of the time, just doing what I needed to do, but that’s about it. 

Now I’ve switched to the pay-per-lead model, I’m busting to get as many leads as possible. Dan and his team have shown me the way to getting more leads and have opened the floodgates. I can do this nationwide, I’ve got unlimited clients and unlimited potential, and I can go into different niches if I need to. If you’re thinking about taking Dan’s course, I highly recommend it.

Dan Morel
Top Rated Marketing

“Since Dan’s course, we’ve had some really strong feedback from clients on the quality of the leads.”

I’ve run volume-based businesses before, and I knew there was a ceiling on the retainer model that I wasn’t happy with. When I first saw Dan’s advert based on the Pay Per Lead model, it was exactly what we were looking for.

We’ve gained some real, fast track ideas. We needed some improvement in the quality of our leads and, since Dan’s course, we’ve had some really strong feedback from clients on the quality of the leads.

We’ve found the weekly calls really helpful, Dan spends as much time as you need each week on a one-to-one basis. I couldn’t recommend Dan’s course and his group strongly enough.

Annmarie Baylan
Solid Mint Leads

“Clients are now so much readier to sign up, sign that dotted line, than any retainers I ever had.” 


I have been doing Facebook advertising for a while. I wanted to give Dan a shout-out because this course is so different from anything I’ve looked at, researched, or even done myself. It just makes sense the way you’re selling leads rather than being on a retainer. I had so many issues trying to get people to sign up to retainers – even the smallest amounts would be really, really hard work. 

Clients are now so much readier to sign up, sign that dotted line, than any retainers I ever had. I just want to say thanks to Dan. He’s been on the phone a few times, trying to help me, making sure I was doing everything right with my Facebook ads. 

If you’re sitting on the fence, guys, just do it. Just jump in and do it – you won’t regret it.

Sneha Verma

“My clients LOVE the leads I give them… Dan puts everything out there from A-Z.”

The Mastermind (private group) is amazing, he (Dan) gives us so much support.

But, at the end of the day, it’s about what results I got from implementing his strategy. His strategy has helped me to gain clients. I have 5 or 6 clients who LOVE the leads that I give them. 

Dan has also taught me quite a lot about generating really high-quality leads. The whole process is just amazing. Dan’s put it all out there from A-Z, telling you EXACTLY what to do to build a Pay Per Lead agency. 

I would highly, highly recommend that you take his course.

Samantha Scruggs 

And from others, who wish to remain anonymous… 

As you can see, The Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint WORKS 

Right now, I’m looking for more of my dream students, like Annmarie, Sneha, Winston, Jon and all the others.

It all comes down to what YOU want. 

If you want: 

✔️ To run a Pay Per Lead agency with 7 clients or less, making 10x what you do now without spending more time at your desk… 

✔️ **NEW** training for Facebook, YouTube and Twitter ads…

✔️ Unlimited access to all our training materials, including plug-and-play templates for a landing page, thank you page and two advertorials…

✔️ Direct mail, cold email and LinkedIn profile templates… 

✔️ Limitless help with your campaigns, directly from my professional team…

✔️  QnA sessions every Tuesday, at 11am and 9pm GMT… 

Then I’m going to extend a formal invitation to join me, or one of my specialist team for a 1 on 1 Pay Per Lead strategy session. 


About Your Pay Per Lead Personalised Strategy Session 

Starting a new course can be a massive commitment. With that in mind, I offer every potential student a 1-on-1 strategy call first, to see if they’re a good fit and vice versa. 

In just 45 minutes, this strategy session will lay the foundation to grow your business by 3x, 4x or even 10x the amount. We’ll focus on: 

  • Your current roadblock and what’s really stopping you running the agency lifestyle of your choice
  • How you want to develop your agency and your Pay Per Lead skills… and what path we’ll take to get you up-and-running as quickly as possible
  • A customised action plan for you and your agency, based on our shared expertise and how I built my agency, FlexxDigital Ltd 

The first step is to click the button below and complete a tiny form for a private strategy session. This form helps us as much as it helps you.

Firstly, it will let me see if we can help you. If we can – great! You’ll be able to schedule a time with us to have your free strategy session. We’ll really start working together to figure out what you want and how to actually make it happen.

At the end of the call, one of two things could happen. If we think you’ll be a good fit (and if you think we’re a good fit), we’ll invite you to become a Flexxable student. If it’s not a good fit, that’s okay too. There’s no hard feelings, no obligations, and we’ll try our best to suggest an alternative.

We’d love to have you in the Flexxable family.

Join us, and be a part of the Pay Per Lead revolution you’ve been waiting for!


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