How To Solve Problems For Your PPL Clients

In today’s video, I talk about how to solve problems for your clients.

If you think you have problems in your agency, just think about the issues your clients have working in their multi-million-dollar industries.

If you can help solve some of your client’s problems, it is going to strengthen your relationship and benefit everyone in the long run.  

Remember- if your client’s business does well, your business will do well!

Here are some ways that you can go above and beyond for your clients:

Email Follow Up

This might be a surprise, but most large companies don’t do this! 

Most big companies only follow up the leads the first week and usually only once.

Adding an email sequence that contacts the lead weeks, even months after could help convert cold prospects into paying customers.

An email sequence will improve lead quality and boost the clients’ conversion rates. You could easily package and sell this offer to your clients, making it a win-win. 

Text Message Marketing

You’ll be surprised by how few clients have a reputable system for following-up on leads, or retargeting people that were warm but not yet ready to commit. 

A simple solution is adding a text-message follow up system, similar to the email sequence above. 

There are many programs out there to help you quickly set this up.


Bonjoro is a video software app that allows us to reach potential customers via video. 

Want to build trust with your customers? Add the personal touch to your sales messages? 

Bonjoro’s the way to go. 

The software sends you a notification every time you’ve got a new lead come in. From there, you can send the lead a quick and personal video message.

People are bored by template emails or chatbot messages. With Bonjoro, you can send a personalised message to each person in double-quick time. It’s fast, easy and, best of all, it shows that you care. 

Want to try Bonjoro for yourself? Click here to find out more and get your 14-day free trial. 

Contact Rate and Lead Quality

What is your client’s contact rate like? When was the last time you asked them this question? 

Talk with your client and see what their contact rate process is and if there are any flaws. 

More times then not, the leads sent to their CRM system are sitting untouched for hours (or multiple days). This could be a serious problem. If they are not able to follow up with their leads, you might want to implement one of the strategies above. 

Just sending a confirmation email or a text can be the difference between an “uncloseable” lead and a paying customer. 

Write A Book

This might seem a little out there, but It has worked for me in the past. 

If your client wants to prove they are an expert in their field, then why not help them prove it by writing a book.  

There are lots of services that you can put your client in touch with that help make this process easy. 

Having a book can help with credibility as well as retargeting in your campaigns.


It’s so important to have good content! This might be something that your client is struggling with. 

A well-written article or a more substantial social media presence could help your clients position themselves as an industry leader and develop better customer service. 


Not all prospects are a good fit for your client. 

Talk with them about cross-selling and finding homes for the leads that do not convert. You could potentially sell them to another client and split the profits with them. 


There are always ways to add more value to your clients. 

Not every client is the same, and the more you tailor your service to the individual, the better your results. 

Quickly implementing improvements will show a client that you consider them a serious prospect. It’ll also stop your client from drifting away and looking for someone willing to match their needs. 

Remember that all relationships take some work. Whether the client is brand-new or you’ve been working with them for several years, review the relationship and see what else you could do to help them. Times are hard for all right now, and I know your client will love the extra effort!

Free Training

Flexx Digital is a PPC agency that uses the Pay Per Lead model – no retainer contracts.

If you want to find out more about this Pay Per Lead model, and how we run the business, check out my free case study.

Inside you’ll find how I:

  • Severed ties with retainer contracts once and for all
  • Moved away from local businesses
  • Started working with national B2C companies
  • Land high-ticket clients
  • Found the verticals we work in
  • Consistently generate leads of the highest quality

Click below to watch it now:



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