Google & FCA Certification Webinar

FCA Certification…

Google, FCA Authorisation, Regulation and The Future Of Lead Gen Brands in the Financial Services Industries

Many of you may know that Google announced a few weeks ago that from the 1st of September any lead gen brand (in the UK) running ads will need to have FCA authorisation.

This has really thrown a spanner in the works, and to be honest it’s a complete mess.

I have been searching for weeks to find someone who can help you all through this minefield. I was lucky enough to secure Nick McDonald from ‘The Compliance Guys’ to join me in the webinar I held last week.

It was raw, down and dirty… with plenty of question time, as I didn’t have time to produce any fancy slide decks!

Nick and I discussed three options for y’all:

  1. Full FCA regulation – 6-9 months
  2. Appointed representative – 2-3 months
  3. Nick’s “interim solution” to get you approved by Google in days

The interim solution is available to anyone who watches the video, and emails Nick with the correct subject line (see what I did there LOLs).

If you are not in the UK, you want to watch this too, ‘cause regulation and authorisation is coming your way soon for lead gens, on multiple ad platforms.


PS, this is GREAT news because as the scammers and the fraudulent lead gens get kicked off the ad platforms, the cost of leads is going to dramatically drop, in the short term anyway.

If you would like to learn more about how to transition to the performance-based Pay Per Lead model, without jeopardizing your current client revenue, I have an ‘Escape Client Jail’ gameplan.

I will lead you by the hand and guide you every step of the way.

My students are bringing in $1k, $2k, and $10k a day and more by following these steps…

Register for the Appointment Setting Funnel webinar here.

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