Start Doing Pay Per Lead For Free 💲💲

Are you a Freelancer, Agency Owner, Affiliate Marketer, or Paid Ads Professional looking to get into pay per lead but worried about losing money?

Well, listen up because, in today’s video, I am going to tell you how exactly how to get started without having to risk any of your own 💲💲💲.

The pay per lead model is not a get rich overnight scheme. It takes time to get good at it, and the first couple of clients you land are purely market research.

Position your offer to these clients as only getting paid on conversions.

They pay upfront for the advertising spend, and you take 25% of the conversion once they close a lead.

This is called the Hybrid deal and can be very powerful, especially when you are going into a new vertical.

This method is how you learn from other people’s dime. Once you have this valuable experience in your vertical, you can then take this knowledge to the open market, where you start landing big clients.

Thanks for watching. Any questions, please reach out to my excellent assistant and PPL guru [email protected].

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