Our B2B Lead Generation Strategy to Get Clients FAST ✈️

Here’s how we’ve been able to land 10 Pay Per Lead clients in 15 days with our B2B lead generation strategy…

There’s a lot of opportunity right now with Facebook Lead Ads.

If you start the ball rolling with this B2B lead generation strategy, you can scale your business quickly.

I’m sharing this from my paid training, my B2B Facebook Lead Ads AMA Webinar.

Give this video a watch if you want to take advantage of Facebook Lead Ads.

Want to get clients fast?

There are only two things you need.

#1 – An offer that is irresistible to your clients

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an expert at Pay Per Lead, SEO, or setting up HighLevel for clients, you need an offer that converts.

We talk to a lot of clients who want leads and they want it now.

They’re looking for instant gratification.

It’s simple – they want to generate leads, close them and keep their sales team happy.

9 out of 10 people want this, which is why Pay Per Lead is a really powerful offer.

Our B2B Lead Ads slashed our Cost Per Appointment...



How much would you pay to be able to do the same?

#2 – Facebook Lead Ads for B2B lead generation

The second thing you need is to be able to create an ad.

We use Facebook Lead Ads for this.

When you have an offer that converts, you need to know how to write the ads, so let’s dive in.

The only thing you need to do is get them in front of clients who need your offer, then you’re good to go.

Now, let’s take a look at what our ads look like and how you can use them for B2B lead generation.

What we’ve discovered is that Facebook Lead Ads are an undiscovered gem.

The negative hype that surrounded them over the years has caused many people to disregard them.

Due to the out-of-date information that would pre-populate lead ads on Facebook, people have written them off because if a lead comes through with old data, there’s no chance of converting the leads.

In the last few years, there have been a few things that have made B2B lead generation through Facebook more efficient.

Facebook has cleaned up their data…

They can now collect better data on the people who fill out these lead forms.

It seems like Facebook synchronised their data cleanse with the iOS 14 update, after realising they couldn’t track external activity.

The obvious solution to that is to try and keep people on their platform.

You can guess what happens when you see an ad that sends people outside versus an ad that keeps them within the platform.

They’re going to prioritise the ad and show it to the right people because they don’t want people to leave.

If you’re running a lead ad instead of a traditional landing page or appointment setting funnel, Facebook will prioritise the lead ad.

In fact, sometimes you’ll pay as much for a click to get people to the external funnels as you will to actually get the lead.

It’s really exciting for me because we’ve built a lot of advertorial and quiz funnels, where we measured how much it cost to get people to stay on it for 10 seconds or more.

That cost us about $10.

Now, we can capture everyone’s details and nurture them after.

This has a much stronger impact when compared to having someone read an advertorial.

One thing we have now that’s exciting for lead generators is a piece of software that sits in the background. allowing you to nurture leads:

GoHighLevel for B2B lead generation

This tool is great because once you have the lead’s details, you can start creating SMS sequences, along with many other responses such as voicemail drops and email blasts…

We’re able to capture people’s details with HighLevel at a very low cost and hold that lead back until they take the next positive action which confirms they are a quality lead.

Now’s the time to take advantage before other people realise how easy this is.

If you have an offer that converts and you can deliver on, all you need to do is start throwing up some B2B lead generation ads inside of Facebook to sell the products or services that you offer very quickly.

It’s just about getting eyeballs on that offer.

My AMA webinar explains exactly how we’ve done this, what our Facebook lead ads look like and how you can duplicate this.

I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s a “pay what you want” training, if you don’t like it and don’t think it’s worth anything, you won’t have to pay a dime.

If you enjoyed this snippet from our B2B training…

We share new B2B lead generation hacks on our Flexxable YouTube Channel.

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