How To Get Clients To Pay Upfront

One of the main problems that occurs in the pay-per-lead industry is getting clients to pay upfront for your leads because the big objection is often where clients only want to pay for leads that get delivered.

A good way we get around this, which works extremely well, is explaining to the client during your negotiation that you will show them how things will work by producing a mock funnel branded to their colours and logo etc.

Doing this shows the client that you’re eager to make things work for them.

In most cases, this is enough to get them going.

I know this may seem like a waste of effort as you don’t yet know how keen the client is, but putting in that extra work shows just how eager you are to get them those leads.

So if you want to learn more about these tactics and improve your lead gen brand, then get in contact with Natalie at [email protected].

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