Go High Level Vs Unbounce

Unbounce vs Go High Level

In my community, I am constantly being asked…

What’s better, Unbounce or Go High Level?

And the answer is not a simple one or the other. It completely depends on what you are wanting to do with your marketing.

If your main goal is making great funnels, quickly and easily, with the ability to split test and optimise efficiently, then Unbounce is the tool for you.

However, if you are wanting to have a CRM that can send email and text automation to follow up leads and have a sales team to follow up the leads, then Go High Level is one of the best systems on the market for you.

So to try and help you guys make a decision (or even utilise both), here are a few pros for both Unbounce and Go High Level.

Pros of Unbounce

Unbounce is the market leader in making quality looking funnels that convert! We have long used it in our agency after testing all the big boys, and Unbounce has always come out on top.

Here are the top reasons we use Unbounce for our funnel needs:

    • Epic Split Testing: You can easily split test your funnels to consistently optimise your funnels so you are getting the highest conversion rates possible.
    • Simple & Effective Design: We all know when we see a click funnels page, but Unbounce allows you much more flexibility in design, while still keeping it very simple with their drag-and-drop features.
    • Easily Integrated: Unbounce has many native integrations as well as a Zapier App and also the ability to webhook leads to a CRM. There is no way a lead will go missing.
    • A Huge Knowledge BAse Community: Unbounce has a vast knowledge base that users can utilise. This allows you to find custom scripts for things such as menus, smooth scroll, sticky banners etc (all of which can be found within our mastermind). It allows, again, so much flexibility in design that will only help to boost conversion rates.
    • Easy Lead Form Creation: Creating a great form has never been easier and is extremely simple to use on a UX level.
    • Rapid Load Times: Unbounce has fast load times and is regularly around the 1-second mark for our agency (even with big GTMs). Just ensure you compress your images etc.

Unbounce is the only Funnel builder I’d recommend and is a constant in our agency’s arsenal of lead gen tools.

We deliver a lot of people to unbounce, so that’s why we have been able to sort out a quality deal for anyone who comes through this link here

Pros of Go High Level

Go High Level is a completely different beast. They are a complete marketing menagerie of essential tools to bleed every little drop out of your leads. 

They even have their very own funnel builder that allows you to create simple funnels that integrate with their system instantly.

Here are the top reasons why Go High Level could fulfil your marketing needs:

    • Simple Funnel Builder: Now, Unbounce funnel builder is much better. However, Go High Level funnels can still be effective and offers you the chance to keep everything under one roof. There are no integrations needed as it’s part of the same system as the Go High Level CRM.
    • Great Email & SMS Follow-Ups: Very simple to create email & SMS follow up automation that also has conditional logic much like the big autoresponders such as Active Campaign.
    • Inbuilt Survey Software: Simple survey software that, again, needs no integration and will automatically add leads to your Go High Level CRM instantly. It also has conditional logic so you can segment leads depending on their answers. It is basic but definitely does a job if you don’t want to get survey software to start with.
    • Sales Pipeline: Has a sales pipeline where you can tag people and create different “Buckets” of leads to send different nurture sequences.
    • CRM: Has its own CRM where you can store all your leads and all their info in an easy to access format.
    • Calendar Feature: Go High Level has its own calendar which you can use to book appointments for the client. Again, basically, no integration as it’s all housed under Go High Level.
    • Call Features: You can call contacts from Go High Level which makes it quicker to hit leads etc.

Go High Level is software that houses all your lead gen needs under one roof, and they have great training resources as well to get the most out of it. 

Ive actually done a webinar with the guys at Go High Level (you can see it here if your interested) so have a really good relationship with them.

Thats why they’ve offered anyone in the flexxable community a 30-day free trial rather than their normal 15-day one. You can grab the special offer here.

So… Unbounce Or Go High Level?

Hopefully, these pros have shed a bit of light on which tool you should use, however, if you are still unsure, here are my final 2 cents. 

If you are serious about creating highly converting funnels you HAVE to use Unbounce. The funnel builder in Go High Level is a good starter level funnel. But to quickly optimise and push the conversion rate in the right direction, you need the tools that Unbounce offers.

If you are after a system that has everything under one roof, with the capability to segment, nurture and actively squeeze conversion out of your list, then Go High Level is the system for you.

However, my personal opinion is…

Why not use both?

I firmly believe that combining these two tools is a match made in heaven within the Lead Gen game. 

Combine the power of a highly converting funnel, with an epic CRM and follow-ups and your conversion rates, will go through the roof!

Go High Level, Unbounce & Pay Per Lead…

How do tools like Unbounce and GHL help grow a 6 fig per month PPL agency you might ask?

Well the way YOU should do it (in my humble opinion) is to use Unbounce or GHL to build a quick ‘brand’ in a lead gen vertical, and what sits behind that brand will be your quiz funnels, and perhaps some High Level follow up snapshots.

Use that brand as ‘sales collateral’ to reach out to clients on what we call a
grandfather deal to get them all excited.

Out of 10 ‘outreach’ messages, you should get at least 1 to 2 nibbles, and then you are off to the races.

^^^ is exactly what my student ‘Agency Al’ (name hidden to protect the innocent!) did to escape retainer client jail – and I have created a short video that shows you exactly what he did – just DM me and I will slide the key to agency freedom right over to ya!

Grab it here!

Video transcript

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