The Headache-Free Way To Tracking Your Facebook Ad Metrics

Tracking Your Facebook Ad Metrics

Today’s video is all about how to track your metrics within your advertising accounts.

If you work in the Lead Gen industry and are spending money on running ads on the Facebook platform, then you need to make sure you are on top of your metrics at all times.

If you’re not having much success with your ads, you may see a sudden spike in your cost per lead.

You’re going to freak out, right? In the midst of panic, you could decide to shut off an audience you’re targeting. You could even shut the ad account down completely, forcing you to start over.

Yeah… you need to calm down.

Take a deep breath and analyse the data before you make a decision that you can’t undo. You don’t want to lose everything you’ve worked for!

In this industry, you need to be sure that you don’t put too much emotion when it comes to your ads. Instead, you need to look at the data and logic to see what the problem is.

If you are serious about running a substantial money-making campaign, then you need to make sure you understand everyday data and metrics.

You don’t need to spend an excessive amount of money hiring a data specialist or fancy add-on packages to keep your spreadsheets in order. Instead, just set up a simple system to keep track of all your data and stay on top of your lead gen game.

Here are the things you will need to do:

How To Effectively Track Your Metrics 

Set up a Google Drive Tracking Sheet. That’s it!

Within the tracking sheet, you will list all the metrics that you want to track when it comes to your advertising accounts.

These are things like:

  • Ad Spend
  • Cost Per Thousand Impressions
  • Cost Per Click
  • Landing Page %,
  • Cost Per Video View
  • Cost Per Lead

And so on.

This Tracking sheet can sometimes have over 30 different metrics that are important within your agency. At the bottom, you will have a summary and average figure of all the data you’ve collected.

Having this Tracking sheet will be able to show you over time what is really going on with your ads. When a problem occurs with one of your advertising accounts, refer to the sheet and see what changes are happening before you jump to conclusions.

Keeping your tracking sheet up to date is critical. Most of the time, when something goes wrong in a campaign, it can be easily spotted. Simply refer to the tracking sheet, and see what small tweak you need to make to get everything back on track.

Without a tracking sheet, it is impossible to remember everything that is going on, especially if you are running multiple accounts for different clients.

You can see what metrics you need to track by referring to your Facebook Ads Manager.

Check your metrics first thing in the morning, every morning. It’ll take 15 minutes of your day, and it will save you money and a massive headache later on.

Having this sheet works wonders for making rational decisions. If you’re serious about lead generation, you need to have this system in place to scale your business effectively. There’s nothing like having a cool head when the doo-doo does hit the fan.

Dan Wardrope’s Pay Per Lead Course 

Interested in Dan Wardrope’s Pay Per Lead course?

Dan’s Pay Per Lead course can get you massive results within a few weeks.

If you want to find out more, or whether this is the course for you, sign up for a 1on 1 Pay Per Lead consultation session today.

If you are ready to:

1) Find a better way to land more red-hot national level B2C clients who are prepared to buy hundreds of leads per day

2) Improve your Facebook advertising skills, and learn how to deliver volume and quality from the Facebook platform

3) Move away from low-value retainer contracts and move to the Pay Per Lead model

Then Dan, or one of his specialised team, can offer you a specific and custom-tailored Pay Per Lead consultation session. This consultation will help you solve the two biggest problems most lead generation professionals face:

  • How to identify and land these national-level clients, with 5-6 figure monthly advertising budgets
  • How to have a system that takes Facebook traffic and converts it into high-quality leads every single time

And, what’s more, the consultation session is FREE.

Your Pay Per Lead Consultation Session 

The Pay Per Lead consultation session will take about 45 minutes. On it, Dan or one of his team will help you identify what steps you’ll need to take to dramatically grow your business by 3, 4 or even 10x the amount (without spending even more time at your desk).

The first step is to click the button below. Next, complete a tiny form for a private Pay Per Lead consultation session.

This form will let us see if Dan and his team can help you. If he can – great! You’ll be able to schedule a time to have your free consultation session. You and Dan’s team can start working together to find out:

  • What you want


  • How to make it happen

If you’re a good fit for the Pay Per Lead Agency Blueprint course, you’ll be invited to become a student. If not, or if you’re just not ready, that’s okay too. There will be no hard feelings, no obligations, and Dan’s team will suggest an alternative upon request.

Click the button below to join the Pay Per Lead revolution:


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