See What Flexxable Students Are Saying About Us!

I’m a digital marketer and I’ve been online for about 20 years now. For me, the retainer model was my bread and butter. But every single month you knew, no matter what you did, that the client would want more from you, or would want to know when the contract ended. With the Flexxable program and Dan’s wisdom, it changed everything with how I approached my business. I no longer have to do the “feast or famine” model.

Dan’s training is the best I’ve had in a long time. The support is probably the best part of the whole training. And the training is phenomenal just by itself. It’s a masterclass in taking your agency from where it is and transforming it, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

– Winston Bromley, Flexxable Student and Owner of Marketing Refuel 

There’s nothing like that bright, sunny feeling you get when someone tells you you’ve done a job well.

When I get a testimonial from one of my Flexxable students, I feel about 25 feet tall. Just hearing that my course has made a difference in their lives (with the results to back it up) makes me realise that I must be doing something right.

See, a year or so ago, I made it a personal mission to change the way PPC professionals market their services. I’ve never made it a secret that I HATE PPC retainer contracts and the so-called “gurus” who swear by them.

When I started PPC advertising, I was in the same boat as everybody else. I had been force-fed the idea that retainer contracts were the only way forward, so I’d better pick up the phone and start making calls. I’d even been given a script to work from, told that it was the “magic formula” to getting multiple, high-paying clients.

The result?

More ups and downs than a see-saw, and a tangled web of constant anxiety.

First off, how were people closing this deal? We must have some pretty hardcore sellers in the field because I was having almost NO luck when I tried selling retainer contracts.

And when I did get a client to take the bait, I lived in fear of them finding a way to cancel the contract. I was falling over myself to keep them, doing stuff way beyond the call of duty (SEO, fan pages, you name it) and getting paid peanuts.

I was also pinning all my hopes on dreams on the one or two clients who provided 80% of my income (over-relying on whales), and got left sprawling in the dust when “the next big plan” fell through.


Since implementing new ads (the way Dan is teaching) and using his sales funnel method, my lead costs have dropped dramatically. I am now generating leads at an average cost of R25.00 ($1.76). Super happy right now as this market is a very difficult one to operate in and getting leads that cheap is almost unheard of.

– Leroy Williams, Flexxable Student and Owner of Advantage Digital Marketing 


There Had To Be Another Way…

I was sick of the clients who would hold a cheque over my head and make me turn every trick in the book to get my hands on it. I wanted mutual understanding and respect: the keys to a great (and stable!) client relationship. I’d seen other guys talk about this kind of client on Facebook, the clients who:

  • Would respect what I brought to the table and view me as an asset
  • Wanted me for the long-haul
  • Had a large advertising budget (like $20,000 a week) and were willing to scale
  • Thought big and could make big things happen
  • Would gladly offer me glowing reviews for my hard work
  • Came back for more (and more, and more)

I spent years attending network events and buying $997 courses, until it struck me what I was doing wrong.

The “PPC Superstars” I so admired didn’t have more staff than me, more talent than me, or better teachers. They’d been through everything I’d been through – the guru’s “masterclasses”, the $997 courses, and the clients with the “Lord giveth and Lord taketh away” attitude.

No, what these Superstars had done was taken their experiences and worked out a strategy to get in with the high-flyers. If landing big clients was a game of chess, these guys had learned from their losses, captured the queen and could say “checkmate”.

I’d been generating leads for about four years at that point. I looked hard at what I was doing, and came up with a simple step-by-step strategy to landing big clients, most of them revolving around one small change.

I’ve been running marketing campaigns online for nearly two decades and still learned loads with Flexxable’s training. Dan’s course is well thought through, insightful, engaging, and particularly good in the soft-skills area, which was a bonus.

This is the real deal. The knowledge in this course would literally cost tens of thousands and years to get up to speed from scratch. The blueprint is there: everything from gaining clients to copywriting to making the campaigns work. Thank you Dan and Flexxable team, my investment in your training is definitely paying off.

– Tim O’Shea, Flexxable Student and Consultant at Credo Capital 


Giving Clients Exactly What They Wanted

To become one of the sharpest minds in the PPC agency game, I knew I had to have a predictable system for making money, based around these three points:

1) The cheaper the lead, the more profit I’d make

2) The more leads I produced, the more profit I’d make

3) The higher the lead quality, the more I could charge the client

Basically, I needed to strip down to essentials and offer my clients leads. High-quality leads with a great contact rate, that their sales teams could convert into paying customers.

That’s why I started the Cost Per Lead model, and FlexxDigital’s been using it ever since. We call up potential clients, the clients with deep pockets, and offer to generate leads for them – nothing else.

We quote them a price to pay per lead, and any leads generated under that price becomes our profit. The client pays for the week’s leads on Friday (100, 200 or however many leads they want), and we switch on the ad sets come Monday morning.

Over the last two years, I have spent close to $5 million+ of my own money on Facebook ads. Just one of my clients has made me $600,000 profit in 18 months and, in one mind-blowing week, gave me a pure profit of $19,000.

robert-doran-flexxable-student Dan and his team have put together a brilliant and comprehensive course for those wanting to flip the script on running a Facebook ads agency. The course is very insightful, but broken down into manageable modules, and Dan’s teaching style is friendly and easy to understand. Best of all, Dan and his team are always on hand within the Flexxable Mastermind group and genuinely care about the success of their students.

Well worth the money, and I know of courses charging five times more for a lot less!

– Robert Doran, Flexxable Student and Director at Edge Advance 



Getting Angry…

I couldn’t believe the difference one small change had on the way I ran my agency.

At first, I kept everything to myself like some delicious secret.

But, as I carried on following forums and chatting to my peers, I found myself getting angry.

No, not angry… furious.

Everywhere, I could see charismatic, talented people being beaten down by “the system”. These kinds of people went two ways. Either they were:

  • Struggling to get clients and were relying on one or two big clients to get them by


  • They had 100+ clients, managed 30+ staff, had written books, hosted podcasts and travelled around for marketing gigs… and they were still making more money for their clients than they were for themselves.

And many of these people had quit their office jobs in good faith, willing to take the risk and start their own business from scratch.


… Then Spreading The Word 

As my anger grew, so did my focus. I wanted to make it my mission to help agency owners – whether they were new to entrepreneurship or had been doing it for a while – take their business to the next level and get the recognition they deserved. I knew what it was like to feel undervalued and, frankly, it sucked.

Over the last year, I’ve been developing a training division of FlexxDigital, my own lead generation company.

I called it Flexxable. Over 12 months, I put together all the knowledge anyone would ever need to create a 7-figure Facebook agency (as long as they were prepared to work!).

My teaching doesn’t just tell you how to transfer from retainer contracts to the Cost Per Lead model. I also share with my students:

1) Step-by-step guides to successful Facebook advertising

2) How to choose a profitable niche

3) How to attract clients with direct mail and LinkedIn (along with letter and message templates)

4)  A complete description and analysis of a working sales funnel (with more templates!)

5) How to close a deal on the phone

6) How much to charge a client, with invoicing and payment instructions

7) “Plug and Play” PPC funnels and landing page templates, with easy step-by-step guides on uploading and adding your own content

… And much more.

I’ve been in internet marketing for about eight/nine years. I’ve done retainers, I’ve done contracts, I’ve done Facebook ads management. I was working on retainer most of the time, just doing what I needed to do, but that’s about it.

Now I’ve switched to the pay-per-lead model, I’m busting to get as many leads as possible. Dan and his team have shown me the way to getting more leads and have opened the floodgates. I can do this nationwide, I’ve got unlimited clients and unlimited potential, and I can go into different niches if I need to. If you’re thinking about taking Dan’s course, I highly recommend it.

– Dan Morel, Flexxable Student and Owner of Top Rated Marketing 


Which Brings Me Back To The Beginning

Over the last year, I’ve helped 150+ PPC agency owners transform their businesses and get the results they deserve.

And to each and every one of my students, I want to say thank you. It wouldn’t be possible to keep doing what I’m doing without you. 

Watching 150 agencies grow, get the right clients, and start making real money lets me know that, a year ago, I made the right decision. 


Look At What My Students Have To Say About Flexxable…

I just wanted to share some good news. We landed a huge client just a couple of weeks after starting Dan’s program.

The client is prepared to scale to hundreds of leads per day, and could easily be worth $1000 a day or more in profit (and I’m pretty optimistic we’ll be able to get them results thanks to this program).

Thanks Dan and the rest of the Flexxable team!

– Matthew Tenney, Flexxable student and Chief People Officer at The Generous Group 

I’ve run volume-based businesses before, and I knew there was a ceiling on the retainer model that I wasn’t happy with. When I first saw Dan’s advert based on the Pay Per Lead model, it was exactly what we were looking for.

We’ve gained some real, fast track ideas. We needed some improvement in the quality of our leads and, since Dan’s course, we’ve had some really strong feedback from clients on the quality of the leads.

We’ve found the weekly calls really helpful, Dan spends as much time as you need each week on a one-to-one basis. I couldn’t recommend Dan’s course and his group strongly enough.

– Annmarie Baylan, Flexxable Student and Manager of Bang On Leads

I have been doing Facebook advertising for a while. I wanted to give Dan a shout-out because this course is so different from anything I’ve looked at, researched, or even done myself. It just makes sense the way you’re selling leads rather than being on a retainer. I had so many issues trying to get people to sign up to retainers – even the smallest amounts would be really, really hard work.

Clients are now so much readier to sign up, sign that dotted line, than any retainers I ever had. I just want to say thanks to Dan. He’s been on the phone a few times, trying to help me, making sure I was doing everything right with my Facebook ads.

If you’re sitting on the fence, guys, just do it. Just jump in and do it – you won’t regret it.

– Sneha Verma, Flexxable Student and Director at QueenBee 




… And Some Of Their Results

[Message reads]: Just had a client call and say our leads are the best he ever had and we are going to be the industries biggest supplier at the end of the year. I agreed with him, obviously!! Down to segmentation! We won’t get carried away – we need to make sure all Clients are happy – but it’s good feedback, and I thought I would share. 

– Annmarie Baylan, Flexxable Student and Manager of Bang On Leads 

Love getting messages like this from our students.

Mortgage application leads from Facebook – the best quality Annmarie Baylan and Leanne Jones’ client has ever received.

Yes… QUALITY from Facebook. 

There is a myth going around, that you can’t get quality leads from ‘Zuck’s platform – been proving this theory wrong for years, for both my lead gen agency and my students.

It all comes down to segmentation and asking questions.

Another student of mine landing huge lead gen order.

100 leads for $350USD each.

That’s $35K paid up front.

These will be delivered to the client in 1 week I would say, maybe less.

He doesn’t know it yet, but with our funnels and help, not to mention our awesome students lending a helping hand, he will be generating these leads via Facebook for no more than $50USD

The days of low-value retainer contracts (where the PPC professional doesn’t get paid what he/she are worth) are numbered, folks!

[Message reads]: Got our first client committed to 100 leads at $350/each. Looking to see if anyone has experience with legal industry, especially personal industry. Cheers. 

Flexxable Student 

[Message reads]: Just closed a national backend deal for 250 XXXX leads a week… Just wanted to share, cause well, sitting in my office on my own and am EXCITED!

I am in the XXXX already, but this is going to be a totally separate campaign. Never would have thought to try to keep selling more leads to more companies in the same markets if it wasn’t for joining this program.

– Ian Henman, Flexxable Student and Lead Generator at Footpath Marketing 

So pumped for Ian Henman – he is maybe 3 weeks into the program, tops, and is already making huge gains in the lead gen market.

Well done mate, it’s only the tip of the iceberg for you.


As You Can See, Flexxable WORKS

Right now, I’m looking for more of my dream students, like Annmarie, Sneha, Winston, Tim and all the others.

Students where I can get them the kind of massive results I’ve shared with you, in this email. That’s why I’m extending an invitation to join me, or one of my specialist team, for a 1 on 1 marketing strategy session.

If you are ready to:

1) Find a better way to land more red-hot national level B2C clients who are ready to buy hundreds of leads per day

2) Improve your Facebook advertising skills, and learn how to deliver volume and quality from the Facebook platform

3) Move away from low-value retainer contracts and move to the ‘cost per lead’ model

Then I, or one of my team, can offer you a specific and custom tailored strategy session to help you solve the two biggest problems most PPC professionals face:

  • How to identify and land these national-level clients, with 5-6 figure monthly advertising budgets
  • How to have a system that takes Facebook traffic and converts it into high-quality leads every single time


Your PPC Personalised Strategy Session 

These PPC marketing strategy sessions will take about 45 minutes. We’ll help you identify what you’ve already got and the extra steps you’ll need to take to dramatically grow your business by 3, 4 or even 10x the amount (without spending even more time at your desk).

The first step is to click the button below and complete a tiny form for a private strategy session. This form helps us as much as it helps you.

Firstly, it will let me see if we can help you. If we can – great! You’ll be able to schedule a time with us to have your free strategy session. We’ll really start working together to figure out what you want and how to actually make it happen.

At the end of the call, one of two things could happen. If we think you’ll be a good fit (and if you think we’re a good fit), we’ll invite you to become a Flexxable student. If it’s not a good fit, that’s okay too. There’s no hard feelings, no obligations, and we’ll try our best to suggest an alternative.

We’d love to have you in the Flexxable family.

Join us, and be a part of the Pay Per Lead revolution you’ve been waiting for!


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