The Ultimate Guide To Lead Generation | Our B2C Book



It’s not just blogs and video tutorials produced at Flexxable, it’s books now too!

Introducing Dan Wardrope’s new book, The Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation for B2C Business Owners.

No fluff, just actionable advice. This book contains everything Dan’s learned over six years of running a successful digital marketing agency.The-Ultimate-Guide-To-Lead-Generation-Book-Cover


👉 Another Marketing Book? How Long Is It?

140 pages, not including the contents and acknowledgements. That’s it.

When there are more blog posts to read than time to read them, adding another book to the pile can be a slog.

This book won’t take up too much space on the shelf (and can even be displayed on a coffee table like a classy brochure). The Ultimate Guide is designed for those who are ready to get up and GO, not for those who just want to “study the theory” and “maybe start tomorrow”.

Dan’s a huge fan of “learning on the job” and has implemented that belief into his book.

To support his mission statement, he’s included “plug and play” templates to get you started from the get-go. These create high-converting lead gen funnels for your business and cost millions to perfect. The results are extraordinary. 

Wet your whistle? Let’s see what else is inside…


📚 1. How To Produce Top-Quality Leads And Smash The Competition

At some point, every business owner will face an influx of poor quality leads that can derail the best marketing machines for weeks.

Using case studies, comparisons, and a dose of marketing genius, Dan tells you how to generate leads of the finest quality.

In this chapter, you’ll find:

  • GDPR myths busted
  • Cold, hard stats about advertising via Television, Radio, Print and Direct Mail
  • How the Dollar Shave Club created a multi-million marketing venture… and what to steal off them
  • Why Facebook Advertising is a Marketing Miracle and 
  • What you need to do to crack its code


📚 2. The Ultimate Guide To Hiring The Right People For Your Team

When it comes to the art of lead gen and its many subbranches (Facebook advertising, direct response marketing, Google AdWords etc. etc.), there isn’t any university degree.

Yet these skills are needed more than ever. While it may be comforting to hire someone with 10+ years of experience, it isn’t always financially viable. A graduate, on the other hand, isn’t expecting a six-figure salary in their first job. With few professional skills early on, a graduate will be happy to accept lower pay in exchange for experience and training.

The Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation makes hiring the best and brightest a breeze.

You’ll find:

  • 5 reasons to hire a graduate
  • Why 46% of new hires fail in the first 18 months, and how to prevent it
  • How to write an engaging job description
  • Why you should set a test task
  • The best interview techniques for businesses with a mission to succeed
  • What the Kolbe Personality Test is and how to use it




📚 3. How To Build Facebook Campaigns That Convert Like Crazy

Scaling Facebook campaigns can take a lot of trial and error. If you mess around with your budget too much or upset the Facebook algorithm, it can lead to catastrophic results.

Luckily, in just a chapter, Dan takes the guesswork out of scaling and makes it into a science. Follow his advice, and you could see massive changes to your bank balance in less than a couple of weeks.

In this chapter, you’ll see:

  • Facebook’s incredible transformation since 2007
  • A break-down of the Facebook algorithm and how to make it happy
  • Why the Facebook pixel is a must for any campaign
  • How to hook your audience with a jaw-dropping headline


📚 4. Persuasive Copy To Rival The Masters 

Say this to yourself: “Creative is everything. Creative is everything. Creative is king.” Repeat it like a mantra until you start to believe it. Then take another look at your Facebook ads.

As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, gone are the days where “Buy This Now!” will suffice… and it certainly won’t wash on Facebook. Social media users are always hungry for new content and the latest trends… anything to distract them for a minute or two.

In The Ultimate Guide, Dan will show you how to smash through your audience’s “ad fatigue”. Using a mixture of ad history, theory and step-by-step examples, the mystery of good advertising suddenly becomes simple.

Take a look into:

  • David Ogilvy and how his advertorials enraptured the nation
  • Inevitability, Intrigue and Solution: the 3 rules to master your hook
  • A/B split testing and how much it matters
  • A step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect advertorial
  • The magic of Facebook video and why you should consider transferring from print to screen




📚 5. The Ultimate Guide to Sales Funnels For Top-Quality Leads

You’ve followed Dan’s advice to the letter. You’ve now:

  1. Written your advertorials
  2. Created a winning set of ads
  3. Got your campaign up and running

There’s just one problem. No matter what you do, your website isn’t converting.

In this day and age, companies can no longer get away with having a website that acts as an extended business card.

The biggest issue comes down to business owners not understanding traffic and conversion. They pay thousands of $$$ to a web designer who, knowing nothing about Lead Generation, takes months to make the website look “pretty”.

Dan knows that all that glitters isn’t gold. He spends this chapter telling you the quickest way to turn your website from a non-performer into a lean, high-converting machine.

He shares with you:

  • The landing page software used for every single page produced by FlexxDigital
  • How to apply your “plug and play” landing page templates to Unbounce
  • How to add tracking and custom scripts, and integrate the Facebook pixel
  • Why a mobile-friendly version of your website is essential


👉 Conclusion

We get to a point in our lives where dreaming about success isn’t enough. We’ve leafed through countless books and listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts. We’ve bored our friends and family silly with tales of sweeping ambition.

But when it comes to following through, we screech to a halt. Sometimes it’s because we’re busy. Other times, it’s because we’re crippled with self-doubt and overloaded with information.

The Ultimate Guide To Lead Generation for B2C Business Owners is straight to the point. It encourages action from the first page.

If you visualise thousands of top-quality leads and a scaled business as the keys to your success, then this book will get you there – and quickly.

For an eBook or paperback copy, click below now: 




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