“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~ Walt Disney

I know that setbacks can feel like the end of the world. I’ve had weeks where I’ve lost money, or made another mistake, and thought I’d have to pull the plug.

But if we look back at our heroes, other entrepreneurs who made something out of nothing, you’ll see a very similar – and uplifting – story.

Walt Disney, a man whose creations are beloved by billions worldwide, faced his own set of struggles when starting out.

Sacked from a Missouri newspaper for “not being creative enough”, 22-year-old Walt brushed himself off and set up his own animation company in Kansas City in 1921. Flushed with success, he began to experiment with storytelling ideas, pouring money into new innovations until he, and the company, went bankrupt.

Not to be phased, Walt Disney put pen to paper and designed “Oswald the Lucky Rabbit” in 1926. When he tried to negotiate with the distributor, Universal Studios, for better rates for the cartoon, he was told that Universal had bought the rights to Oswald and had hired his artists from under him.

On the bitter train ride home from New York, Walt looked at his Oswald designs and made some small, but crucial changes. Mickey Mouse was born, later to become the symbol for the entire company.

As Disney said:

“If you can dream it, do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started by a mouse.”

I’m in Disney World at the moment, and I’m in awe of the thought and magic that’s gone into this place.

Watch the video to hear my thoughts, and remember! Never give up!

If you’ve got the dream but you’re worried about landing high-paying clients, need help generating leads, or just need some ideas for a solid marketing strategy, head over and watch our FREE case study.

Have any rags-to-riches stories of your own? Share them in the comment boxes below!

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