Here’s how you can start closing clients without sales calls or strategy sessions…
I’ve been able to close people into my education programme effortlessly, without the need for strategy sessions or phone calls.
We’ve sold millions doing this.
I’ve made this guide so you can apply this to your PPL agency.
With our incredible B2B lead gen strategy, using paid ads on Facebook, landing clients and getting these conversations happening is easy.
We have a lot of clients coming in wanting leads but it’s still a bit of a pain to have strategy sessions and book them in for calls all the time, especially if they’re a solo business.
Watch this video where I reveal our simple 3 step formula for closing clients like CRAZY.
What’s our best strategy for closing clients?
A lot of time, when speaking with clients and booking them in via paid ads or cold outreach, we’ve noticed that the most common response was: “can you just send over your price lists and tell us about your volumes, quality and where you can deliver leads.”
This would usually happen three days in after they become a lead.
So, finally I started listening to what they need, and made a price list type sales letter.
A document like this will be able to sell people without a phone call.
When they request a price list, just fire over this document and they can close themselves at this point.
I’ll give you an example of this:
Someone might come in and write a comment on an ad saying they’re interested but they’re hesitant to fill out the lead form and become an appointment.
I had someone commenting that wanted to engage with us as a business, so I reached out to the guy with a message.
It was something along the lines of:
“Hey dude, I saw that you’re interested in solar leads, tell us a bit more about what you’re after.”
He told us he was in New Jersey and looking for solar leads and asked us what we can do for him. It was a very short, simple question which I responded with:
“We have a price list that talks about quality and volume. But before I send it over, can I ask you a few questions?”
The next step in our formula for closing clients is the “Doctor’s Diagnosis”
Here’s where I go back and forth with the client to figure out if they’re the sort of client I want to work with – not the other way around.
This is a really clever trick when closing clients.
At this point, I said to him:
“We don’t usually work with companies that are in smaller geographical areas because it’s hard for us to scale and there’s not a lot of volume. ”
As soon as he hears that, he’s intrigued.
We’ve changed it from him being in control to us taking the reigns.
I’ve pre-framed it to make him think he’s probably not going to qualify for what we’re doing.
I ask him about the size of the population and the zip-codes he can work with.
He did some googling and came back to me with a map that highlights those areas and the population size, which was 2 million.
That’s when I knew that there were enough potential leads to make the guy an offer.
Ask questions to qualify clients
Along with that, I also needed to know these three things:
- Whether he had a sales team
- If he’s committed enough to call and work the leads within the first 5 minutes of them being received
- Whether the person actually installing the solar could call the lead back in time – if they leave it until the next day it will result in a dead lead.
Then you want to ask about their past experience to figure out why what they’re doing isn’t working anymore.
You want to have them desperate enough to try working with you.
The way that you talk to them will play a big role in that, as well as making sure they know what it takes.
Personality is KEY when closing clients…
I didn’t know much about New Jersey but I am a huge basketball fan, and I do know that the New Jersey Nets used to play there and that they used to be really good.
I had a bit of banter with him around that and that’s when he started to warm up to me.
This combined with the “Doctor’s Diagnosis” got him to a point where he was ready to be made an offer.
That’s when I can fire over my price list.
These are really powerful steps to take when closing clients – I was able to take someone that came across my ad into a converted client without a phone call.
To conclude, here is an overview of my 3 step formula to closing clients without strategy sessions or a phone call:
- “Doctor’s Diagnosis
- Qualify the client
- Send over your price list
Check out our Flexxable YouTube channel for more guides to make your lead gen agency more efficient…