Lead Generation for the Roofing Niche | Student Interview Part II

Thomas Is An Experienced Marketer Who Has Been Involved With Facebook Advertising Since 2015.

  • When he was working with clients on a retainer contract basis, he began to feel that he was just becoming people’s employees…
  • … and that he was being tied down to a kind of monthly salary.
  • “With the retainer contract, the clients start to see you more of an employee rather than an agency that they’re hiring.
  • “The retainer agency model is still profitable but you have to have a big team.”
  • There are only so many retainer clients you can handle before you’re gonna pull all your hair out.”
  • With retainer clients, you have to build a team to be able to scale and handle more clients.

Thomas Says: 

I was sick and tired of being bogged down by retainers, I was definitely looking for a new way rather than working with retainers.

Then I found Dan Wardrope’s Pay Per Lead model…

…The Pay Per Lead idea “resonated with me straight away so I didn’t hesitate and signed up.”

  • “For me, the Pay Per Lead model is way more profitable.”
  • “With the Pay Per Lead model, you can be a one-man band and you can easily handle 10-20 big buyers.”
  • “If they were all in the same niche, you could have 10 buyers all spending $10,000 each with you. That’s $100,000 per month.”
  • “Pay Per Lead is a much easier model to make money from.”

As A Result… 

If you’re in the same niche the amount of work involved in taking on a new client is “truly minimal” compared to retainers.

It would be “half an hour’s work” if Thomas wanted to take on a new client in his niche.

Thomas has seen how the Flexxable Pay Per Lead Training has grown in the last year…

.. Today there are 87 videos and 93 downloads in the Pay Per Lead Training course as of August 2019.

Here’s a snippet of the interview from the video: 

How Did You Feel When You Finished The Course? Did You Feel Totally Prepared?

“It’s “really good” for beginners or for advanced, there’s definitely something in it for everyone.

“If you follow the steps you can get up and running straight away.”

What Dollar Value Would You Place On The Connections You’ve Made In The Pay Per Lead Training Course?

“We’ve been working together a couple of months and it’s already 6-figures, so it’s going to be 7 even 8 figures by the time we’re done.

“The idea is that we can build an asset that we can flip and sell for a big, big, big profit.”

And Which Niche Would You Move Into After That?

“I’ve got my eyes on solar… We’ll stay in the home improvements niche.”

What Words Of Advice Would You Give Someone Who Is Considering Dan Wardrope’s Pay Per Lead Training?

“I would definitely say just go for it! For a more profitable and less stressed business, you’ve got to just go for it.”

Even For People Who Are Unfamiliar With Pay Per Lead?

“If you’re worried about the sales and prospecting, there are 100+ people in the (Mastermind) group who are all potential partnerships.

“Dan connected me with the first buyer I had…”

So, In Your Case, The Course Was A Good Investment And The Connections You Made Were Incredible?

“Just for the connections, it’s more than worth it!”

A BIG thank you to Thomas Owen for his time and his awesome feedback.



As You Can See, Flexxable WORKS

Right now, I’m looking for more of my dream students, like Thomas. 

Students where I can get them the kind of massive results I’ve shared with you, in this post. That’s why I’m extending an invitation to join me, or one of my specialist team, for a 1 on 1 marketing strategy session.

If you are ready to:

1) Find a better way to land more red-hot national level B2C clients who are ready to buy hundreds of leads per day

2) Improve your Facebook advertising skills, and learn how to deliver volume and quality from the Facebook platform

3) Move away from low-value retainer contracts and move to the ‘cost per lead’ model

Then I, or one of my team, can offer you a specific and custom-tailored strategy session to help you solve the two biggest problems most PPC professionals face:

  • How to identify and land these national-level clients, with 5-6 figure monthly advertising budgets
  • How to have a system that takes Facebook traffic and converts it into high-quality leads every single time


Your PPC Personalised Strategy Session 

These PPC marketing strategy sessions will take about 45 minutes. We’ll help you identify what you’ve already got and the extra steps you’ll need to take to dramatically grow your business by 3, 4 or even 10x the amount (without spending even more time at your desk).

The first step is to click the button below and complete a tiny form for a private strategy session. This form helps us as much as it helps you.

Firstly, it will let me see if we can help you. If we can – great! You’ll be able to schedule a time with us to have your free strategy session. We’ll really start working together to figure out what you want and how to actually make it happen.

At the end of the call, one of two things could happen. If we think you’ll be a good fit (and if you think we’re a good fit), we’ll invite you to become a Flexxable student. If it’s not a good fit, that’s okay too. There’s no hard feelings, no obligations, and we’ll try our best to suggest an alternative.

We’d love to have you in the Flexxable family.

Join us, and be a part of the Pay Per Lead revolution you’ve been waiting for!


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